Like Hillary, John Kasich Just Won’t Go Away

Longtime establishment insider and hardcore Never Trumper John Kasich continues to send out signals that he plans on mounting a challenge against President Donald Trump in 2020.

Kasich’s failed 2016 bid for the Republican nomination was notable for the fact that he stayed in the race until long after he was eliminated, only giving up the ghost when Ted Cruz was forced to quit after being shellacked in the Indiana primary.

Cruz and his allies continued to scheme against Trump but failed to pull off a convention coup in Cleveland in which the sitting Governor Kasich was mentioned by many as a viable replacement.

Like Hillary Clinton, Kasich just won’t go away and is all but certain to mount a challenge against Trump’s reelection.

Via the Hill “Kasich on running in 2020: My wife wishes I was president”:

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) on Sunday said his wife told him she wished he were president.

During an interview on NBC’s “Meet The Press,” Kasich, a Republican candidate in the 2016 primary, was asked if he had ruled out running for president in 2020.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow,” Kasich said, before adding: “The other day, with all the chaos going on, my wife said to me one morning, she said, ‘You know, John, I wish you were president.’ That’s how I knew the country was in trouble.”

Kasich also warned during the interview that the U.S. is walking away from international alliances and guidelines that were put in place after World War II as a means of preventing authoritarianism.

“One of the things I am concerned about is the drift that we are in right now in terms of America and the world,” Kasich said.

With the Democrats in total disarray and without a leader outside of crazy Hillary who has already been rejected TWICE by the American people (yes, Obama clubbed her in 2008) it could be that Steve Bannon’s prediction of Trump winning 400 electoral votes in 2020 is likely.

Unless Kasich can ride to the rescue and if he is really the establishment’s last hope, it is all but a slam dunk that President Trump will roll to reelection.

Just call him the male Hillary.

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Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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One Comment

  1. Love seeing the NEVER TRUMPERS burning up their money,just like they did last November 8th….and reminding people what they are.

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