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Rush Limbaugh: The Great Economy Ends If Dems Win Midterms

On his nationally syndicated radio program host Rush Limbaugh said that America is “in the midst of an economic boom” that no one in Washington thought was possible and warned that if the Democrats get back in charge of things all the progress made will be reversed.

The man behind the “Golden EIB microphone” told his audience Tuesday that Democrats “can’t wait to get rid of the tax cuts” and “add back some of the regulations which have opened up the economy.”

“The American people need to know that if the Democrats get back in charge of things, this is over. And the Democrats are out there saying so! They can’t wait to get rid of the tax cuts and reraise people’s taxes. They can’t wait to add back some of the regulations which have opened up the economy.”

Limbaugh challenged Republicans to “convince the American people that everything happening today in the economy is gonna end and reverse itself if the Democrats  get back in power.”

“The real challenge for Republicans and everybody interested in this is to convince the American people that everything happening today in the economy is gonna end and reverse itself if the Democrats get back in power, including winning the House in November.”

Limbaugh further highlighted the success of the economy under the Trump administration arguing it “is one of the greatest horrors the Democrats can experience.” “It’s an economic recovery, an economic boom that no one in Washington thought was possible,” added Limbaugh.

“This economy expanding and growing like it is with consumer confidence is one of the greatest horrors the Democrats can experience.This is the kind of thing that sends them into abject panic, and the need to start rewriting history in terms of their media stories about why this is happening begins.”

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Brady Kenyon

Brady is a contributing writer for Conservative Daily News.

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