
Trump Team Threatens Legal Action Against Filmmakers Of ‘Libelous’ Movie That Depicts Him Raping Ivana


Lawyers representing former President Donald Trump sent a cease-and-desist letter to the filmmakers behind “The Apprentice,” according to multiple reports.

The film, which includes a depiction of Trump raping Ivana, his wife at the time, premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May, Variety reported. Trump’s attorneys have demanded that the producers not seek a distribution deal in the United States, according to Deadline.

“It is a concoction of lies that repeatedly defames President Trump and constitutes direct foreign interference in America’s elections,” the letter said, Deadline reported. “If you do not immediately cease and desist all distribution and marketing of this libelous farce, we will be forced to pursue all appropriate legal remedies.”

“You have until May 27, 2024, to respond with your agreement to immediately comply with this demand,” the letter sent on Trump’s behalf by the Dhillon Law Group added. “President Trump reserves all rights.”

Ivana Trump died in 2022 at the age of 73.

Producers of the film defended the movie in a statement.

“The film is a fair and balanced portrait of the former president. We want everyone to see it and then decide,” a spokesperson for the producers told The Hollywood Reporter.

Former Washington Redskins/Commanders owner Dan Snyder, who helped to finance the film’s production, is seeking to block its release and distribution, the Hollywood Reporter reported.

Trump and the Dhillon Law group did not immediately respond to requests for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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