If Not For The Kids, Then What
This grand experiment has failed. It was Hillary Clinton who coined the phrase, “it takes a village,” and it was Joe Biden who said, “they are all our children.” They were referring to the cooperative effort of parents, teachers, and government in co-parenting our future generations. Through gaslighting, they convinced parents the job of raising children was insurmountable for Mom and Dad, and schools and the government were ready, able, and willing to lend a hand. This wonderful gesture was far from sincere. The “village” approach was part of the century-long process to indoctrinate and control our future by programming young generations. The final grade is in, and this village gets an F.
From falling test scores to promoting transgenderism, there is nothing positive these folks can point at to give credit to their efforts. They have removed God, patriotism, and parents from the early stages of development because they were impeding the process. What we have for the decades of this effort are kids glued to electronic devices, unable to perform basic math skills or read at a high school level. We have children with escalating absentee and suicide rates, and Fentanyl poisoning is the number one killer of young people between 18-45.
We are spending more effort to pass legislation to legalize marijuana and keep sexually explicit books in elementary school libraries than to elevate the quality of education. Drag queens can host reading hours in schools, but Christian-based groups are forbidden from the same. During COVID, school boards and teacher’s unions were exposed for their efforts to actively remove parents from the education process, and they fight efforts to promote charter schools or home-schooling.
We insist on space-age car seats for infants and helmets for bikers and skateboarders, yet we allow young men who identify as women to participate on the playing field with young women. When local and state governments have an opportunity to protect these female athletes, they scoff at any issues and fail to keep these girls from harm.
The New Hampshire Legislature Education Committee recently considered HB1205-Protecting Women’s Sports. HB1205 goes to the House with NO recommendation as the committee voted 10-10 to approve. The vote was along party lines. One of the most outrageous comments during the discussion came from Rep. Linda Tanner (D) Sullivan District 5.
RE: the discussion about girls getting hurt playing sports with transgender students:
“Injuries sometimes happen in sports, in fact that’s one of the fun things about it, you test your body to the limits, you’re trying to be as competitive as possible and sometimes injuries happen. There have been NO INJURIES directly related to a trans person actually causing that injury outside of what it normally would be in an athletic event”…..” I’m ashamed to be a part of this bill..”
No, Ms Tanner, we are embarrassed you are a member of our state legislature. This statement is evidence of Representative Tanner’s irrational thinking and ignorance of the subject. Tell the high school volleyball player knocked unconscious when hit by a spike from a trans player on the opposing team that she was having fun. Months later, she is still plagued with migraines, dizzy spells, and blurred vision—such fun. Tell the three basketball players hurt in the first half of their basketball game when a trans player who was nearly a foot taller and fifty pounds heavier fouled them to the court and injured them-they were having a blast.
A transgender mixed-martial arts fighter who broke his female opponent’s skull is an intrepid hero who deserves to be celebrated as “the bravest athlete in history.” That’s the assessment of Cyd Zeigler, co-founder and blogger at Outsports, an LGBT-focused site that is part of left-wing digital media company Vox’s SB Nation network. You may have to read that twice to be sure you read it correctly. This trans-athlete issue goes beyond right and wrong and right to illogical and insanity.
If we cannot get a grip on this education system and government hee-bent on destroying our future, then we have no hope of saving this country. The country is in the hands of the young, and if those hands are busy holding electronic devices, the country will fall to the ground. The young people will hear about the demise of America from their favorite TikTok influencers.
Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission
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Oh and do not underestimate the propensity of many of this population to lean toward misogyny. I had a class at NYU for which I regularly needed to walk through a known gay mecca in The Village. These “men” would smash themselves into me, knocking me off my center of gravity. I was young and would walk on the offence after taking a few such hits from these strange fruits. They do not belong on women’s sports-teams. These women athletes are far more vulnerable than I as a pedestrian was.