The Recycle Hoax and Global Warming Hypocrisy
Yet from the early days of recycling, plastic makers, including oil and gas companies, knew that it wasn’t a viable solution to deal with increasing amounts of waste.”
NPR’s Michael Copley reports on the Recycle Hoax – “recycling cannot go on indefinitely, and does not solve the solid waste problem.
“Consumers sort their trash so plastic packaging can be repurposed, and local governments use taxpayer money to gather and process the material. Yet from the early days of recycling, plastic makers, including oil and gas companies, knew that it wasn’t a viable solution to deal with increasing amounts of waste.”
The plastic industry, not unlike others, has worked for decades to convince policymakers (aka corrupt politicians) that recycling would keep waste out of landfills and the environment.
Copley doesn’t report that the New York Times and Legacy Media fawned over Taylor Swift recently having “to travel across the globe and through time, to make the Superbowl,” as NYT’s Benjamin Hoffman, reported. Exacerbating climate warming. Her critics called her hypocritical for that. Yet, I can assure you her critics are as hypocritical.
The plastics industry is not unlike any other industry, like: The fashion industry. The fashion industry produces Up to 100 billion garments every year. And each year, as much as 92 million tons of clothing ends up in landfills. Only 20% of textiles are collected for reuse or recycling globally. Almost 60% of all clothing material is actually plastic.
The electric vehicles – Heritage Foundation research explains that the carbon dioxide emitted while manufacturing a Nissan Leaf battery is “equivalent to driving a gasoline-powered BMW 320d for 24,000 miles.” For a larger Tesla Model S battery, carbon dioxide emissions are “equivalent to driving the BMW 320d for 60,000 miles.”
The fast food and restaurant industry: The restaurant industry is far from being good for the environment. Restaurants generate enormous quantities of food waste, plastic waste, and emissions while simultaneously consuming huge quantities of water and energy (Kasim & Ismail, 2012
The consumer industry: Americans spend over $1.3 billion on greeting cards in the digital age, while for Ventines Day Americans spent over 1.4 billion U.S. dollars on chocolate candy
Over $2 billion worth of pumpkins purchased for Halloween end up in landfills instead of the stomach of hungry kids. Thirteen million hungry kids just in America alone are hungry, 700 million across the world.
The facts speak for themselves: we live in a disposable society with the flawed notion that the planet has united resources. Hence it’s easy to accept the idea of infinite or unlimited growth, which proves so attractive to economists, financiers, corrupt politicians, Propagandists and experts in technology
We can debate the science, although in California and on Social Media platforms like @LinkedIn, it is verboten.
Pope Francis Laudate Deum is Spot on. 29. The ethical decadence of real power is disguised thanks to marketing and false information, useful tools in the hands of those with greater resources to employ them to shape public opinion.
“Artificial intelligence and the latest technological innovations start with the notion of a human being with no limits, whose abilities and possibilities can be infinitely expanded thanks to technology. In this way, the technocratic paradigm monstrously feeds upon itself.” Laudate Deum
Consider the recent report that “Scientists Resort to Once-Unthinkable Solutions to Cool the Planet – Three geoengineering projects seek to alter the chemistry of the atmosphere and the ocean. Critics warn of unintended consequences,” with good reason. Not a single invention has been void of unintended consequences, despite what social media, legacy media or the establishment may claim, including the recent COVID Vaccine. Yet, the New York Times and the Legacy Media fawned over Tailor Swift doing the unthinkable to warm up the planet, while nillionaire brothers took millions out of their gas station chain so they could repay debt on their private jets. The good news, according to the Palestinian Wasp, Taylor Swift’s fans, including the New York Times and Legacy Media, should not worry about her finances or her contribution to global warming.
But the New York Times was not alone. While we take a Cursory review of media coverage praising Swift for her contribution to global warming: HindustanTimes’ @AditiSrivastava reports:”Chiefs fans sing Taylor Swift’s Love Story as she spans time zones for Super Bowl arrival”
New York Times’s Benjamin Hoffman, reports: Taylor Swift had to travel across the globe and through time, to make the Superbowl. Swift and Gates made it to Day’s rendition of the Black National Anthem
The New York Time’s Santul Nektar @SantulNerkar used a different lens with similar results. Nektar reported the “Cetaphil’s ad showed a father and daughter connecting over football and Taylor Swift, a nod to how the music superstar’s relationship with Travis Kelce was said to have gotten more fathers and daughters watching NFL games together this season. But a social media influencer said the idea was stolen from her”.
Jake Fenner over at the Dailymail.Com took on the Black National Anthem prism:
Super Bowl fans are left split by Andra Day’s performance of the ‘Black National Anthem’ ahead of the game… as Megyn Kelly says the song ‘doesn’t belong’ in pre-game proceedings.
What no one reported is that:
Every year, about 1,5000 private jets fly to and from airports for meetings at the WEF or #SuperBowl appearances. Each jet emits 2 tons of CO2
The yearly carbon footprint:
US per capita average: 16 tons of CO2.
Bill Gates: 7,500 tons of CO2.
John Kerry: 2,000 tons of CO2.
Taylor Swift: 8,205 tons of CO2
Then there’s the Climate Change Billionaires Bliss:
In Singapore, they call it “nudging” consumers to do what the state wants, which is increase use of public transportation, a government official explains, then cracks a big laugh, as he is behind the wheel of a Mercedes.
Recall Gavin, billionaires & corrupt politicians tell us to eat insects, turn off gas appliances, nudge us to stop using gasoline cars (make it impossible to afford filling up) & instead switch to EVs – while they use private jets, eat scrumptious dinners and so on – that’s nothing.
According to a 2022 Oxfam report, 125 of the world’s richest billionaires each emit over a million times more carbon than the average person in the bottom 90%, and a solid 50-70% of billionaires’ emissions are thought to result from their investment
Or as we like to say, leave it to corrupt politicians, Propagandists and Influencers forget about God – it’s about Mammon. Forget about America, is about Mammon. Forget About Global Warming – its about Mammon.
And we all are hypocritical.
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Over $2 billion worth of pumpkins purchased for Halloween end up in landfills instead of the stomach of hungry kids. Thirteen million hungry kids just in America alone are hungry, 700 million across the world.
Halloween pumpkins are the type they feed cows, not the type you make pies with or feed kids. Here honey a nice bowl of stringy woody pumpkin for breakfast. Yeah, that’ll solve world hunger, give me a break, what a bunch of BS. Must be government stats. Also they were purchased for Halloween carving, not to eat.
Over $2 billion worth of pumpkins purchased for Halloween end up in landfills instead of the stomach of hungry kids. Thirteen million hungry kids just in America alone are hungry, 700 million across the world.
Halloween pumpkins are the type they feed cows, not the type you make pies with or feed kids. Here honey a nice bowl of stringy woody pumpkin for breakfast. Yeah, that’ll solve world hunger, give me a break, what a bunch of BS. Must be government stats. Also they were purchased for Halloween carving, not to eat. Did the author make this stuff up?
Questioning sources is the intellectually challenged or lazy person saying, I don’t agree with you but I’m too lazy or too challenged to mount a counter argument, particularly with the proliferation of artificial intelligence tools –
In the age of artificial intelligence we are surrounded by artificial stupidity