Syndicated NewsWhite House Watch
President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Schedule Summary:
President Joe Biden will attempt to justify MORE wasteful spending of American taxpayer money by appealing to the White House-created “National Infrastructure Advisor Council”. The entire purpose of the council is to convince the president to spend more taxpayer money on things American families do not need and can not afford.
President Joe Biden’s Itinerary for 12/13/23
- 10:00 AM Recieve daily briefing
- 12:15 PM Attempt to justify ridiculous, inflationary spending to the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (a White House creation) [Video]
White House Briefing Schedule
1:00 PM White House Press Briefing [Live Stream]
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What, no slot to mumble, stammer and lie through some half-witted explanation as to his loathsome offspring’s flagrant ignoral of his legal woes? Jo, Blow and the fishy-net cheater are truly contemptible vermin.