Joe Says Put On Your Mask And Get Your Shot
The data doesn’t support it, but that doesn’t stop the government from striving for power as the Blue states begin to roll out restrictions on all Americans. Over 100 colleges and universities, no reason to specify them as Blue, have placed mask mandates on students and faculty and are disenrolling students who are not vaccinated and boosted. Some school districts are already shutting down just days into the new school year. These districts cite trends, but two days do not constitute a trend line for consideration. These schools at all levels act without adequate data or facts to justify their actions. They do not pinpoint the cause of the absenteeism trend. They claim students are contracting a new strain of COVID-19, Strep, and the Flu.
Joe Biden was asked about the new strain of COVID over the weekend. He responded that he had asked Congress for funding for a vaccine that, in his words, would work. That was an obvious implication that the vaccines for the first round of COVID were ineffective. He also stated that the new vaccine should be mandatory for adults and children, even if previously vaccinated. Obviously, the government is looking to speed through testing another vaccine, and we will be ignorant of the side effects for years. We are seeing strong, young, and athletic men stricken by heart issues, some fatal. We will not know for years what we have done to the reproduction process for young women, yet we have a President who is clear he will insist on every American taking the shot. This is wrong, and we need to resist. Many states and local governments will use these Presidential mandates to control their residents. Let’s be clear. This situation and reactions are purely political and may be the foundation of the Left’s plan to replicate 2020 and how COVID and restrictions greatly impacted our elections. This effort by every entity on the Left is definitely election manipulation.
There was a report on FOXNews Monday morning about the health hazards of masks. The same masks the government wants us to wear may be causing more harm than the germs we are protecting ourselves from. They talked about the chemicals used in the production of paper masks and how it is good practice to let a new mask air out for thirty minutes before placing it over your nose and mouth. Have you ever seen anyone let a mask breathe before wearing it? Of course not.
This is a perfect distraction for Biden. The more he can get the media to focus on COVID, masks, and vaccines, the less we will have to understand the crime family that is the Biden’s. The case is building against Hunter and more details and evidence are pointing to Joe Biden for being the head of the cartel. Nobody with an iota of logic and commerce sense can look at the evidence and deny Joe Biden was complicit in the actions of his crime family.
Congress is scheduled to reconvene on September 6. You can expect Kevin McCarthy to open an impeachment inquiry before the sun sets that day. That same sun is setting quickly on the Biden Presidency and no mask or mandate can stop it.
Content syndicated from with permission
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It’s about that time again Ray. They want to make it an issue again so they can get back to mail-in voting, stuffing outdoor ballot boxes, fear mongering, and eliminating the population by putting “who knows” into people’s veins. I think more people died after having the shot than before having it! Democrats, or excuse me socialists have an agenda to keep because they’re getting the shakes with their current President with his gaffs and falling. They want to ensure a victory next November.
Go to hell, Biden.
Yes the charade has become. Biden and Dems will declared COVID an emergency right before the elections. This will allow them to lock down the country again and steal the election by allowing for wide spread mail in ballots, drop off boxes, etc. All ripe with fraud. The only difference this time around is the Republicans control the House. Will they fight this madness or roll over?
What puzzles me the most is how open they are about it and how accepting the American people (at least 50 % of them) are about this. It’s right there in front of their eyes and they refuse to see it!! It’s not only Covid, it’s this guys entire presidency and the lefts attack on Trump going back to 2015!! Have we truly become a nation of idiots!! It just embarrassing how far we’ve fallen. Funny how correct Ronald Reagan was about the Democrats over 40 years ago.