Editorial Cartoons

Acceptable Racism

Affirmative action and diversity hiring have both always been and will always be racist. MLK was correct, the far left is wrong. These limousine liberals pushing this DEI, CRT, alphabet salad BS are pushing racist, divisive policies that must be stopped.

Editorial cartoon by Michael Ramirez. Commentary by R. Mitchell, Editor-in-chief.

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Michael Ramirez

Ramirez, who studied premed at the University of California, Irvine, originally considered journalism a hobby. But he was hooked when his first cartoon for the college newspaper, lampooning candidates for student office, had the student assembly demanding an apology. "Editorial cartoons should be smart and substantive, provocative and informative. They should stir passions and deep emotions. Editorial cartoons should be the catalyst for thought, and frankly speaking, if you can make politicians think, that is an accomplishment in itself. If I don't get at least one death threat every few months, then I'm not doing my job," Ramirez says of his penchant for sparking controversy. In addition to the 1994 and 2008 Pulitzer Prizes, Ramirez was the 2008 winner of the prestigious Fischetti Award. He is a three-time Sigma Delta Chi, Society of Professional Journalism Award winner, a Lincoln Fellow and a recipient of the UCI Medal. He is a senior editor and the editorial cartoonist for Investor's Business Daily. He is formerly the editorial cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times, The Memphis Commercial Appeal and a contributing cartoonist for USA Today. His work is syndicated by Creators Syndicate. Don't leave without checking out his editorial cartoons and Ramirez Caricatures.

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One Comment

  1. Affirmative Action (legal discrimination) was, of course, started by the Democrat JFK and then expanded significantly by Democrat LBJ. Who, not coincidentally, started our welfare state by monetizing the single parent household that has destroyed the African American family in America; where now 75% of all black children are born in single parent homes. But, I digress. I am retired now, but worked my way up to an executive position in a billion dollar Company. And for thirty years, I was told by HR (now “Diversity officers”) that when hiring any candidate; if all the qualifications were equal, then I should hire the black, the minority, the woman, etc.. Thankfully the Supreme Court has very belatedly overturned this legalized discrimination but technically only in college admissions.

    Now Biden’s DEI policies are “Affirmative Action” on steroids and are blatantly illegal discrimination calling for hiring whites last (regardless of qualifications) and firing them first. I don’t understand why states aren’t suing over Biden’s illegal executive order mandating DEI hiring in every Federal government office and agency in the country. Now the Supreme Court needs to overturn these policies that will completely destroy “Meritocracy” in America. I, for one, don’t want my doctor, my pilot, or my EMT or my grandchild’s teacher to be hired based on his/her/zi/zem’s skin color or sexual identity or sexual proclivity.

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