All Those Kids Destroying Cities, It’s Not Their Fault

This past weekend was filled with violence in many of our major cities. We saw planned mob violence on Chicago streets and hundreds of young people destroying storefronts in Compton, CA, only to steal all of the inventory once inside. The videos were graphic and showed no concern for people and property. In the Windy City, a twenty-year-old woman was in the wrong place. She was trying to get into her apartment building when she was surrounded by dozens of “protestors,” who hit and kicked her until she fell to the ground. Her mother reports that she was not seriously injured and will recover.
The police were overwhelmed and helpless. Most officers stood back as observers. They know officers, DAs, or politicians do not back them.
Outgoing Mayor Lightfoot says she cannot agree with the term mayhem, but saw a number of protestors in the wrong place and acting out. It is not their fault.
Mayor-Elect Brandon John said, “In no way do I condone the destructive activity…However, it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.”
The outgoing and incoming mayors refuse to assign culpability to these rioters. It is society’s fault for failing these youths, which is why they act out. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. What will happen in these pits of humanity for these people to say there is a problem?
This ignorance is not just at the city level. State Senator Robert Peters said, “I would look at the behavior of young people as a political act and statement. It’s a mass protest against poverty and segregation.” The voters of Chicago and Illinois put these individuals into office. It is fair to say that these voters are getting what they deserve.
The networks and CNN, like the politicians, did not see anything newsworthy this weekend in Chicago. Combined, these four networks gave zero minutes to the Chicago violence. By the way, ten were killed and 26 injured in other violent acts in Chicago.
These were not political protestors. These people were hellbent on creating chaos and destruction. The destruction of the ARCO station was one of three simultaneously happening in Compton. These acts were coordinated on Social Media.
The video was clear. Dozens of young people gathered outside the gas station Mini-Mart. They broke through the glass door and scattered throughout the store, clearing off the shelves. They left nothing and destroyed the property once the shelves were stripped bare.
There was no politics involved at any of the violent sites. These rioters were not making a statement. They were looting, destroying, and causing chaos and fear. Unless you watched FOX News over the weekend, you might not know about these destructive activities. Ignoring violence does not make it go away. There is something wrong with America, right to our core. These rioters obviously get no guidance from home and parents and have no respect or fear of the law. If nobody is held accountable for these acts, what will prevent them from repeating their actions? That was a rhetorical question. Nothing will stop this destruction, and it will only escalate.
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Knowing there are ZERO consequences, just watch Chitown this next weekend. They’ll destroy it over and over again. Stupid, STUPID people running that city.