Editorial Cartoons


Strong? A nation that can’t even keep a rival nation’s spy balloons from overflying its most sensitive sites? Come on, man!

Editorial cartoon by Michael Ramirez. Commentary by R. Mitchell, Editor-in-chief.

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Michael Ramirez

Ramirez, who studied premed at the University of California, Irvine, originally considered journalism a hobby. But he was hooked when his first cartoon for the college newspaper, lampooning candidates for student office, had the student assembly demanding an apology. "Editorial cartoons should be smart and substantive, provocative and informative. They should stir passions and deep emotions. Editorial cartoons should be the catalyst for thought, and frankly speaking, if you can make politicians think, that is an accomplishment in itself. If I don't get at least one death threat every few months, then I'm not doing my job," Ramirez says of his penchant for sparking controversy. In addition to the 1994 and 2008 Pulitzer Prizes, Ramirez was the 2008 winner of the prestigious Fischetti Award. He is a three-time Sigma Delta Chi, Society of Professional Journalism Award winner, a Lincoln Fellow and a recipient of the UCI Medal. He is a senior editor and the editorial cartoonist for Investor's Business Daily. He is formerly the editorial cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times, The Memphis Commercial Appeal and a contributing cartoonist for USA Today. His work is syndicated by Creators Syndicate. Don't leave without checking out his editorial cartoons and Ramirez Caricatures.

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One Comment

  1. It’s hard to tell who is more incompetent. The senile hair sniffer; or the “woke” leaders in our military who were responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle and are now painting “rainbow bullets” on Marine helmets in recruiting ads. The military was never worried about debris causing damage as Montana is one of the least populated states in the Union. Furthermore, they started tracking it coming over Alaska in the Aleutian Islands where nobody lives. They should have downed it there without totally destroying it so that they could have analyzed the software and hardware to see what its real mission was. But Biden didn’t finish his ice cream in time and they let it fly all the way across the U.S. before the public outcry was so great they had to shoot it down. It was either a spy balloon, or a test run for a future balloon carrying biological weapons or maybe an EMP device. In either case the Chinese continue to laugh at us and our feckless, compromised President who won’t dare do anything against the CCP because of the tens of millions they gave to Brandon and his crackhead son.

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