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‘Disarming is The Point’: Tucker Slams Biden’s Gun Control Speech

Tucker Carlson criticized President Joe Biden’s speech on gun control on his Fox News show “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday, saying the president’s agenda was to disarm Americans.

“This is about saving the children, Joe Biden just told us, but how many lives would this new law save?” Carlson asked during the opening of his show.

“Well, we know the answer. Zero. Not one,” Carlson added. “We know that because there’s precisely no evidence at all and never has been that larger magazines somehow inspire mass shootings. But of course saving lives is not the point of this. Disarming you is the point.”

Biden proposed a series of gun control measures during his Thursday speech in response to mass shootings in Buffalo, Tulsa and Uvalde, including a ban on so-called assault weapons, repeal of a law protecting firearms manufacturers from certain liability claims, expanded background checks and “red flag” laws.


Carlson described owners of high-capacity magazines as “normal people” and referenced Biden’s son Hunter’s purchase of a firearm, claiming that the younger Biden was not prosecuted for allegedly violating federal gun laws.

“There is a tremendous amount of misinformation surrounding the issue of so-called ‘assault weapons,’” the National Shooting Sports Foundation said in a fact sheet, which goes on to say that the differences between “assault weapons” and other firearms are superficial.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.

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One Comment

  1. Of course! Not only is Tucker correct, but responsible people in America need to realize this old man is a danger to our nation. He disregards any risks imposed on our nation by his stupid border debacle. He is trying to impress the high rollers on the left, but he is actually putting America at risk. He values transgender people and their impulse to transition more than he values patriotic Americans who would give their lives for the nation at the drop of a hat.

    Something needs to be done. Impeachment is the fate he deserves. He has no respect for the U.S.! He is an instrument of the left and hat is all he cares about. The nation would be safer and stronger if we sent him back to his beloved Delaware!

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