CNN Promotes Overseas Abortion Pill Scheme
CNN promoted a website that connects women with overseas pharmacies to provide abortion pills Tuesday in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
“Before Friday, we had had about 3500 visitors in a day,” Elisa Wells, co-founder of Plan C told CNN host Poppy Harlow. “On Friday, we had 209,000 visitors that day. And it since has remained increased. People are looking for this information. They want to know, ‘How can I have an abortion if I need one in a state that restricts access?’”
Plan C is a self-described “educational resource for learning about how people in the US are accessing abortion pills,” according to its website. Wells told CNN that the site uses “mystery shoppers” to test the websites that sell the pills online.
The group provided information for states that have enacted abortion restrictions on the website, including Texas, by suggesting use of AidAccess,org, mail forwarding or online pharmacies.
“The websites that people need to watch out for actually are the crisis pregnancy websites,” Wells told Harlow, claiming that crisis pregnancy centers impersonate the abortion-rights group.
“We want people to be aware that pregnancy access centers are out there online and they’re impersonating us and abortion clinics,” Wells said.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent a warning letter to a similar site,, in 2019.
Plan C did not respond immediately to a request for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.
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