Sunday Spotlight: Tulsi Gabbard

Each Sunday, I want to take a step away from daily politics and focus on someone who has done extraordinary things or who we may need to know a little better. This week’s focus is on Tulsi Gabbard.
Gabbard is a former Congresswoman from Hawaii and an Iraq War Veteran. She is the first female war veteran to run for President of the United States. Tulsi had many disadvantages in 2020. She was from Hawaii, which made her little known in a very crowded field of Democrats. She was overshadowed by Mazie Hirono, a far-left Senator from the island state. She was the only moderate Democrat in a field of Progressives pushing each other to the left. She had a calm, measured voice of reason.
She struck fear in the Democrat Party, prompting Hillary Clinton to attack her, claiming the Russians were grooming Gabbard as an asset. The claim was absurd but enough to destroy the candidacy of the young upstart Gabbard. Gabbard sued Clinton for defamation but later dropped the suit. She stood out in the debates as someone with strong opinions from the middle of the road.
Gabbard forfeited her seat in Congress to concentrate on her Presidential run and now has more questions than answers about her political future, if there is one. She has been a complicated person to pigeonhole into a particular philosophy, and suffice to say, she was one of the most independent members of Congress.
Tulsi may be out of politics now, but she is not silent. She is a Democrat though her party and media wing hold her at bay. She is not today’s Democrat, and I have thought for some time that she aligns more to the center/right than the left. She is a frequent contributor on FOX News and appears with Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. Her conversations with these two are always congenial and meaningful. Not to say that is unusual for a Democrat, but she comes to the air with facts and not emotion, which is unusual. It is also refreshing.
Miss Gabbard can give a multifaceted opinion on various topics. As a woman, veteran, and former member of Congress, she examines the many sides of an issue. She recently spoke of her concern about Russia resorting to nuclear weapons out of frustration in not being able to overthrow Ukraine quickly. She believes the conflict could have been avoided if the Biden administration had acted preemptively instead of taking its typical proactive approach.
She has a problem with the formation of a Disinformation Board and calls the Biden administration authoritarian and overbearing. She also refers to Biden as a dictatorship that is not looking to resolve the Ukraine conflict but to destroy Putin and Russia.
Tulsi Gabbard’s political future is unclear. She is too liberal for Republicans and too conservative for Democrats. That sounds like the type of person we need in public office. We do not need more divisiveness in our country but more of a movement towards the center by both sides. Should that ever happen, both parties will find Tulsi already there, waiting to get this country back on track. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing more from this patriot on FOX News, where she has found a platform that welcomes her views.
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You’re either a libtard idiot trying bs people into thinking Gabbard is middle of the road or you’re a blind fool. She is no patriot and a Trump hater to her little lying soul. Go do real research before you put out crap!
I do not trust Tulsi Gabbard AT ALL. She might be the lesser of two evils when compared to some other Dems (and we know who they are), but I wouldn’t want her in office anywhere.