Syndicated NewsWhite House Watch
President Biden Delivers Speech Blaming Inflation and Taxes on ‘Ultra-MAGA’
President Joe Biden delivers a speech Tuesday in which he attempts to shift blame for sky-high prices and terrible regulatory environment onto ‘Ultra-MAGA’ – whatever that is.
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Sorry Joe, you’re the one driving the bus.
It is incredible that Biden is so insecure about Trump’s legacy. Biden cannot go before a microphone these days without blaming the forces of MAGA for all the ills of America. Inflation, taxes and scarcity of consumer goods are, according to grandfather Joey, the direct result of ultra MAGA forces throughout the nation.
His staff sees how he is unraveling. Even he is aware, at some level, he is grasping at straws in an attempt to provide alibis for the basketcase condition of the nation. He can’t handle the truth. The atrocities of the Afghanistan withdrawal, the unprofessional fiasco that characterizes the crisis at the southern border and the general management of the U.S., while quivering in his boots about the Russia-Ukraine crisis are all attributes of a feckless, poorly managed government.
This old man is so envious of the MAGA movement, including its inspiration, but he can’t seem to move off home base to counteract the impact of his pathetic presidency! It appears he didn’t have the fortitude to visit Ukraine on behalf of the United States of America! I wish there was a mechanism that would allow him to run off to Deleware for the last 3 years of his presidency. It should be obvious to anyone, he is not up to the job. It is way too big for him.
The democrats only plan was to reverse everything Trump did and continue on doing the opposite of what he would do. Joe should be begging Trump to come to the White House and bail him out of the mess he has created. I’m 70 years old and Trump is the best President I have ever seen. Biden has destroyed my retirement.. My 401k’s are slipping away. I was hoping to leave my kids something, but now I wonder if I will outlive my money and become a burden to them. All because of the democrats.