Catholic Archbishop Bars Pelosi From Receiving Communion
The Archbishop for the Archdiocese of San Francisco has cut Speaker Nancy Pelosi off … from communion due to her advocacy for abortion.
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone told area priests that he had exhausted all efforts to discuss Pelosi’s support for abortion with her, but she repeatedly ignored his pleas.
“In consequence of all this and all that has led up to it, it is my determined judgment that this resistance to pastoral counsel has gone on for too long, and there is nothing more that can be done at this point to help the Speaker understand the seriousness of the evil her advocacy for abortion is perpetrating and the scandal she is causing. I therefore issued her the aforementioned Notification that she is not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”
Pelosi may be permitted to receive communion only after she publicly repudiates her advocacy for killing the unborn and is given absolution from her sin. The chance that the progressive leader will denounce abortion is infinitely small.
Cordileone’s order is only effective in the San Francisco archdiocese so Pelosi could continue receiving the sacrament at D.C. area churches or elsewhere.
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Piglouse should burned at the stake for witchcraft.
Be gone you evil, vile skank! My you rot in Hell soon!
If the DC bishop doesn’t stop pelosi then why all the drama? A lot of bishops need to let her know she is not to receive communion – anywhere. Then they can start on ol’ joe, he’s no better than she is.
She doesn’t care as long as she has her designer ice cream to stuff her sagging face.