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The 2020 Census Screwed Conservatives

Perhaps not as much a surprise as many would think, but yeah, the government favored liberal areas over conservative ones in the 2020 census and it gave the left a few House seats it should never have had.

The Census Bureau reported that its Post-Enumeration Survey, which uses sampling to check the accuracy of the 2020 census, found that Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas were all undercounted.


On the flip side, the states that were overcounted include Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island and Utah.

Based on the findings, both Texas and Florida should have gained an additional House seat on top of the gains they were rightly awarded. Those seats instead went to the liberal states of Rhode Island and Minnesota.

There isn’t much use in getting all hot and bothered about it as there is no way to remedy the government’s absolute malfeasance until the next census in 2030.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. And what dumbasses they had enumerating! Seriously tried five times to answer. Dumbcluck appeared at door couldn’t work software. I filled the paper out ( for the second time) He took it. Then telephonic enumerators who were not the sharpest knives in the drawer called three times. They do not get the concept of dual residency. Years ago I was a team leader for address verification and enumerating and we had to pass a test. Who were the eejiots that were hiring these people? Everyone I talked to predicted this inaccuracy as these enumerators couldn’t count the fingers on one hand,

  2. In as much as you are referring to the census in the correct context, voting districts, the socialist indoctrination process has their “progeny” programmed into believing that the census is for assignment of federal funding….socialist services. I literally refuse to participate in this stupidity. There is only one process left to fix what’s happening, and it does not include census results or politics.

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