The Communist Plan To Overthrow America From Within
In his best-selling book “The Naked Communist,” former FBI Special Agent W. Cleon Skousen revealed the 45 communist goals to overthrow America, not by a foreign invasion, but via stealth, infiltration and deception carried out by American citizens who have moved to the side of the hammer and sickle. As you read the following partial list of those goals, ask yourself which political party most closely aligns itself with these profoundly un-American objectives:
– Eliminate prayers and any expression of religion in schools.
– Infiltrate churches and replace Scriptural religion with “social” religion.
– Discredit the U.S. Constitution and America’s Founding Fathers.
– Infiltrate and gain control of the labor union movement.
– Infiltrate and gain control of teachers associations.
– Use schools as transmission belts for socialist indoctrination.
– Break down traditional cultural standards; discredit the nuclear family as an institution.
– Infiltrate and gain control of the press, radio, TV and the entertainment industry.
– Use the courts to weaken basic American institutions.
– Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind; demand that it be set up as a one-world government.
– Infiltrate and gain control of one or both political parties.
Given the undeniable socialist-cum-communist leanings of progressive environmentalism, the labor movement, academia, the mainstream media, Silicon Valley, the religious left, Hollywood, and one of the country’s major political parties, the communist plan to overthrow America from within has made monumental strides over the last half-century. Communist doctrine has been methodically infused into our society by the post-1960s Democratic Party and its progressive allies throughout the popular culture. I don’t say that to be inflammatory. I say it because it accurately describes what has happened.
In one of his most revealing quotes, Lenin said, “The goal of socialism is communism.” The idea that creeping socialism should precede outright communism is an acknowledgment that totalitarian rule is so frightening to people in free nations that it must be quietly slipped into those societies in bits and pieces. It is through that incremental process that socialism serves as an under-the-radar, transitional gateway to the unrelenting tyranny of full-blown communism.
The EAT THE RICH class warfare image above illustrates that gradual subversion—from capitalism (knife and fork) to creeping socialism (fork and sickle) to outright communism (hammer and sickle). If done via stealth and deception, free societies can be overthrown from within in a way that goes virtually unnoticed until it’s too late. The means through which that sub rosa conversion is accomplished is called Cultural Marxism.
Known as Obama’s ideological mentor, the late Italian communist, Antonio Gramsci, was one of the 20th century’s most influential Marxist thinkers. Disillusioned that the communist movement in Italy failed to incite a Bolshevik-style revolution in his capitalist country, Gramsci developed a stratagem to overturn capitalism in western societies from within. That stratagem is known as Cultural Marxism, the process of gradually infusing communist doctrine into a society via its culture. Gramsci described his stratagem in this quote:
Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media.
Gramsci referred to his stratagem as “the long march through the institutions,” i.e. infiltrating a society’s cultural institutions and gradually supplanting their traditional values and principles with those of communism.
Gramsci theorized that what holds a capitalist society together are the pillars of its culture, the structures and institutions of family, religion, education, politics, law, the arts, and the media, as they provide the social cohesion necessary to a functioning society. Undermine the principles that these cultural institutions embody, and a capitalist society can be overthrown from within without firing a shot.
A prime example of an undermined structural institution in this country is its public education system, which has been infiltrated by progressive teachers and administrators who have indoctrinated generations of impressionable young minds with the alleged virtues of Marxism. The ultimate goal of that subversive indoctrination is to supplant the values of the Founders with those of Marx and Lenin. In many of our public schools, educators are no longer teaching children to be proud of being Americans; they’re teaching them to be ashamed of being Americans.
What children are taught in school today will determine what kind of country we have in the future. The relentless socialist brainwashing of America’s schoolchildren has yielded troubling results. A survey by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found that 7 in 10 Millennials say they would vote for a socialist.
With Cultural Marxism having penetrated every facet of our society, the tentacles of communism have quietly seized control of virtually every structural institution in our country, including, most ominously, one of America’s major political parties and what has become that party’s willing propaganda arm, the anti-American mainstream media. A free nation cannot long survive if its press takes sides, so it’s not hyperbole to say that the great American experiment in representative democracy is staring squarely into the abyss of tyranny. We the People are the only thing standing in the way.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and few pictures better illustrate socialism’s lethal threat to America than the one below. Please consider sharing it far and wide.
Photo by LSE Library on Unsplash
Content syndicated from with permission.
I have posted this before and i will keep posting it because of its accuracy..
Systemic RACISM is not a lie but its coming from the left.. hell let’s not dance around it and call it directly. its coming from BLACK AMERICA… I judge people individually but as a whole I have judge BLACK AMERICA for the content of their character .. and have learn them (and yes them) to be extremely racist, criminal and not trustworthy as a whole … but i will continue to judge people individually and I didn’t grow up feeling like this this strongly about it… i have experience racism and have been victimized by blacks in this country ..and all i keep seeing is black America mainly teachings of hate of America and black Americans abusing Asian , Latin’s , whites all over the place while accusing them of racism to hide from their abuse.. people start calling it out.. you don’t have to keep taking this abuse from the black community