Motorcycle Riders Face Unique Risks on The Road
Motorcycle riders continue to be overrepresented in fatal traffic accidents. Motorcycles are less visible to other drivers and pedestrians, so it’s difficult, if not impossible to gauge their oncoming speed. It doesn’t come as a surprise that, in the event of a collision, drivers will say they just didn’t see them. To keep safe, drivers, as well as motorcyclists, take steps and precautions to reduce the number of accidents on the road. Safe riding practices and cooperation from all traffic participants can dramatically reduce the occurrence of fatalities and injuries. When a crash takes place, the injuries are typically severe.
What Are the Most Common Road Hazards That Cause Motorcycle Accidents?
Motorcycle riders face unique hazards on the road. While nothing can compare to the feeling of hopping on your bike and hitting the road, you must be very careful. Many problems can potentially get in the way. If you get involved in an accident, it’s recommended to seek medical attention immediately. You should have an ambulance transport you to a local hospital. While driving any type of vehicle has some inherent risks, driving a motorcycle comes with a number of potential threats that regular drivers don’t deal with, such as:
- Edge Breaks Between Lanes. Edge breaks occur when the road shoulder is worn or the pavement at the edge isn’t strong enough. Needless to say, traveling at high speeds is dangerous. It’s easy to lose control of the vehicle. You might be startled or distracted because you weren’t expecting such road conditions.
- Railroad Crossings. Train accidents can have catastrophic injuries, so the results are severe. Unless you’re moving at a perfect standstill, crossing a rail is extremely dangerous, especially if there’s moisture or oil on the tracks. The wheels can lose traction, which makes it impossible to control of the bike.
- Wet Surfaces. Areas of the road become slippery when ice or rain coats them. Hydroplaning can occur. In other words, your bike will start sliding uncontrollably because the tires lose contact with the road. The public road can be an unpredictable place, so don’t overlook the hazards; otherwise, you risk getting into trouble.
If You’ve Been Seriously Injured in A Road Traffic Accident, You Might Be Able to Sue
Motorcycles don’t benefit from the same protection as other types of vehicles. More exactly, they don’t have airbags and there’s no steel frame to protect the operator. The fact is that motorcycle accidents cause far more severe injuries as compared to car accidents. In spite of considerable improvements in motor vehicle safety in the past couple of years, the mortality and morbidity attributed to motorcycle trauma have increased. If you were unfortunate enough to have been involved in a crash, you probably have questions about your legal rights. Well, if you’ve suffered an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may have the right to compensation.
When a motorcycle is involved in a road traffic accident, the biker is the one who comes off worse. Filing a personal injury claim after an accident can present unique challenges. The reason for this is that motorcycle claims have their own rules and deadlines. It’s recommended to find a legal professional. Personal injury lawyers Daytona Beach have been helping bikers and their families, who sustained serious injuries. Before filing a claim, evidence needs to be gathered, not to mention that it’s necessary to understand the full context of the injuries.
Who’s At Fault for A Motorcycle Accident?
In most accidents involving a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle, the driver of the passenger vehicle is at fault. Liability is governed by the legal principle of negligence. An individual is negligent when they behave in a thoughtless manner and cause injury to another person. Even if motorcycle riders are seldom at fault for their own collisions, insurance adjusters naturally assume they’re to blame for what happened. The outcome is that motorcyclists have to fight long and hard to recover compensation. Put simply, insurance companies wrongfully deny the claims of motorcyclists, even if they can’t be blamed for the incident.
At times, motorcycle riders cause accidents. As they’re responsible for the collision, they can be sued for injuries and losses. The victim will receive a reduced award if they hold partial responsibility for the accident. Some states require drivers to hold no-fault insurance, which includes at least personal injury protection and property damage liability. As a rule, to sue for pain and suffering, it’s necessary to show a serious impairment of body function. Nonetheless, the no-fault law treats motorcycle riders differently. Behaviors that constitute negligence are failure to exercise ordinary care, violating traffic laws, driving under the influence, and texting while driving, just to name a few.
Being Extra Safe When Riding a Motorcycle
Staying safe on the motorcycle should be your main concern. Even if you’ve been riding your bike for years, you’ll still want to recap on how to stay safe.
- Get The Proper Gear and Wear It. The helmet is the most important motorcycle safety gear. Without it, otherwise moderate accidents would lead to life-threatening injuries and disaster. Plus, the helmet reduces the sound of the wind and the sting of the wind blasting in the face and eyes. You should also wear gloves to protect your hands and upper torso. Without gloves, or a motorcycle jacket, you can expect broken bones and skin peeling off.
- Make Sure You Can Be Seen. Wear colorful clothing to be visible. Dressing black from head to toe won’t keep you safe. Carefully choose the color of your helmet, bike, and gear. Position yourself in the travel lane so that the driver on the next lane can see you. If you’re riding in someone’s blind spot, and they make a sudden lane change, you’re in trouble.
- Develop Anticipation. Build situational awareness, including anticipation of the traffic situation. This might sound extreme, but it’s best to stay alert. Always take into account potential risks and contemplate the future. Driving a motorcycle makes anticipation more difficult, but you’ve got to give it a try.
After driving your motorcycle for some time, you get a little condescending, but it’s important to stay ahead of the game.