You Might be a Terrorist If….
According to the Biden administration, you might be a terrorist without actually engaging in, causing, or assisting terrorism.
This week, Homeland Security released a warning. NBC News distilled the release into bullet points to hammer home exactly who America’s enemies are – YOU.
You are a “Potential Terror Threat” if you:
- Oppose government mandates requiring you to take an experimental drug or wear a mask
- Question the inconsistencies proven to exist, by forensic audit, in the 2020 election
- Celebrate religious holidays
Biden’s administration has decided that people like you aren’t just political opponents, now, you are terrorists.
Remember that terrorists caught almost 20 years ago are still locked up in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. But, Biden has already released one with plans to free two more.
At least they’re making space for you.
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Something is wrong in DC. A lot of somethings are wrong in DC. It all starts at the top, ol’ joe is a bad influence on so many people in DC. He is the terrorist tho’ he probably has no idea exactly what he is most of the time . But I’m sure he has his moments when he must realize the bats in his belfry are rabid.
Unfortunately this article is on-the-money correct and tells us not only where Joey Biden’s empty head is on all issues, but tells us what the entire ruling class of America is intent on doing: “Fundamentally Transforming America”. If there is a God in heaven, he’d better send reinforcements immediately or this nation is lost.