Additional Explosions in Kabul, Massive Blast at Airport
New unconfirmed reports of explosions in Kabul, Afghanistan include a massive explosion at the Karzai International Airport where U.S. and allied military are evacuating Afghans and Americans.
The blast at the airport is believed to have been either a vehicle-born improvised explosive device (VBIED) – a car/truck bomb – or controlled detonations by allied personnel destroying equipment.
When asked by a reporter, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki deferred the question to the Pentagon. Unfortunately, the Department of Defense did not schedule a Pentagon briefing for Thursday and has not commented on the blast(s).
Neither explanation has been confirmed by officials.
This is a developing story, please return for updates.
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Impeach Biden
Benghazi again. I am sick to my stomach. Those soldiers and marines were comforting children and civilians, now they are dead. Dems are gutless cowards. They impeached trump for saying ” a peaceful march to the capital ” but this bullshit stands. HORRENDOUS.