Laredo Sector Border Patrol Agents Apprehend Over 100 Illegal Aliens in Two Human Smuggling Attempts
LAREDO, Texas – Laredo Sector agents from the Laredo West Station apprehended over 100 illegal aliens during two separate human smuggling attempts at the U.S. Highway 83 checkpoint northwest of Laredo.
The first incident occurred shortly before midnight on July 11, when a box truck approached the primary inspection of the checkpoint. A Service canine alerted agents and the driver was referred to secondary. Agents discovered over 10 individuals inside the cargo area that were in the U.S. illegally and from the country of Mexico.
The second incident occurred two days later when a tractor-trailer approached the checkpoint. A Service canine alerted agents and the driver was referred to secondary inspection. Agents discovered almost 90 individuals inside the trailer. All were in the U.S. illegally and from the countries of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
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In a Nation that claims to be by “We the Peopl”……thus making all citizens a part of The” government… it would appear that ‘we the people’ are also , in part, accomplises to this open border by eitiher condoning (approving) the influx of illegals, drugs, human bondage, diseases, violent crime OR silence and apathy…….How else can rhe ‘tolerance’ of so many allow the increasing dangers of this Administration’s policy….
For those that haven’t buried ourselves in trhe sand or wrapped ourselves in bubble wrap it’s disheartening and maddening! You have done everything but stand on your head and spit wooden nickles to inform and update with FACTS those that don’t “live with it” daily. It seems impossible to make the so called ‘smart’ people that these issues are not limited to border states…..THANK YOU for helping me stay firm in my attempts….
I admit that I am througly convinced there is no known cure for STUPID… am considering applying for a grant to research for a cure or vaccine.