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President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Tuesday, May 4, 2021


President Joe Biden will receive his daily briefing and later deliver yet another speech on vaccinations.

President Biden’s Itinerary for 5/4/21:

All Times EDT

  • 10:15 AM Receive daily briefing – Oval Office
  • 2:30 PM Deliver another speech on vaccinations [Live Stream] – State Dining Room

White House Briefing Schedule

  • 12:30 PM White House Press Briefing [Live Stream] – James S. Brady Briefing Room

Keep an Eye on the President at Our President’s Schedule Page.

We are providing former President Donald Trump’s schedule to compare and contrast the leadership and work style of the two presidents. The schedules are from the same “day” in the administration, not the same “date”.

Former President Donald Trump’s Schedule This Day in 2017


After his presidential daily briefing, the president will participate in a departure ceremony for Lt. Colonel Spurlock.

President Trump will then attend a USAF Academy trophy presentation.

The president will then hold meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin by phone and NSA McMaster in person.

President Donald Trump’s schedule for Tuesday, 5/2/17

  • 10:30 AM Receive his daily intelligence briefing – Oval Office
  • 11:00 AM Participate in the departure ceremony for Lt. Col. Wesley Spurlock, USAF – Oval Office
  • 11:30 AM Participate in the U.S. Air Force Academy Commander-in-Chief trophy presentation – Rose Garden
  • 12:30 PM Speak with President Vladimir Putin of Russia by telephone – Oval Office
  • 5:30 PM Meet with National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster – Oval Office

The schedule is comprised of information available from the public schedule released by the White House and several sources of publicly available information. No sensitive information is used to create this itinerary.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. !. Take a crap.
    2. Wipe
    3. Flush
    4. Wake mommy to order breakfast.
    5. Watch tv cartoons for 3 hours.
    6. Take another crap.
    7. Wipe
    8. Watch tv for 3 hours
    9. Eat a hot dog for lunch
    10. Take another crap
    11. Sign whatever they put in front of me
    12. Watch tv for 3 hours Simpsons reruns
    13. Eat some gummy worms for dinner
    14. take another crap
    15. Wipe
    16. Go to bed
    9. Take a nap for 3 hours.

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