President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Saturday, April 10, 2021
President Joe Biden has no public events on his schedule for Saturday.
President Biden’s Itinerary for 4/10/21:
All Times EDT
- None
White House Briefing Schedule
- None
Keep an Eye on the President at Our President’s Schedule Page.
We are providing former President Donald Trump’s schedule to compare and contrast the leadership and work style of the two presidents. The schedules are from the same “day” in the administration, not the same “date”.
Former President Trump’s Schedule This Day in 2017
President Trump has no public events on his schedule for Saturday.
President Donald Trump’s Itinerary for Saturday, 4/8/17
- None
Use the CDN search box in the red title bar to search for any schedule in our archive (ie. Trump 4/8/17).
Please Note: this page will be updated during the day if events warrant
The schedule is comprised of information available from the public schedule released by the White House and several sources of publicly available information. No sensitive information is used to create this itinerary.
Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for re-publication without charge under the Creative Commons license. Visit our syndication page for details and requirements.
To be fair he probably passes gas twice a day.
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