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President Biden Holds a Formal Press Conference – 3/25/21
President Joe Biden holds a press conference Thursday. This is the first presser since Biden took office.
The event is scheduled to begin at 1:15 p.m. EST.
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Not a chance this guy won an election. It was a coup.
It does not matter whether he won or not-I will not debate that here, because: The most important point is, They allowed him to be President. This is the most sad, the most embarrassing moment in this nations history. It, as well is the most dangerous. The world I am sure saw that press conference. He was so lost, so incoherent. CNN had stated that he “practiced all week”. “Practiced”??? What???
The world now knows we are weak as a nation. They know we are cowards because not only did we allow this person to become President, there is still nothing in the works to remove him.
I am aware of Karmala’s dubious past, I am also aware that when she ran for President she barely made the first round. So if we remove Biden we get what?
America has allowed it’s downfall, Scary times indeed
It also shows how stupid we are as a nation, we allowed the news media to dictate the policies, and narratives that we follow. Because of the color of my skin I am now told that I am too white?! WTF does that mean? If I argue the point I am a racist, this without people know who I am!! But the media continuously provides a platform and allows this nonsense and it ends up becoming the headline news of the day. In the movie Forest Gump there is a line “Stupid is what Stupid does” Are we really this stupid to allow this country to continue on this path? Our current administration certainly thinks so as does many of our politicians and yes they come from both sides of the Aisle? 2022 is coming soon change needs to start then or we will prove the media and our politicians to be correct for certain.