And, no one cares
So many stories, so many crimes, a massive attack on American justice, and a stolen election – and no one cares.
President Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, et al are using every tool available to shine a light on election improprieties. Rep. Jim Jordan went headlong into the fight on the murder of U.S. citizens in Benghazi. Numerous elected public servants are holding hearings on blah, blah blah. And, no one cares.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will happen. And, no one cares.
Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Whitewater, Lois Lerner’s IRS targeting scandal, Hillary’s emails, Obama’s Spygate initiative against Trump, and .. more. Eh, no one cares.
Where was the fourth estate, the trusted arbiter of truth, during all of these historical events? Doing 9 am conference calls on how to cover them up (check Veritas). But… no one cares.
What do you think will happen even if all the facts are proven? What will change? How will it change and who will make that happen? eh, no one cares.
These are real questions the press and voters should be asking. But, they don’t care.
Congress does public hearings on social media bias but does nothing to fix it. And, no one cares?
MRC (Media Research Center) does a fantastic job of pointing out media bias, but Twitter and Facebook have pushed them into the social media version of the badlands. So, who cares (thanks to the media bias Congress won’t fix).
State legislatures do hearings on election fraud, but will likely do absolutely nothing. And no one cares.
How many worthless Congressional (U.S. and state-level) hearings, angry political messages, silly social media conversations, stupid political ads and other empty actions do you need to see before you realize – nothing will change, and no one cares.
Do you?
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DC ;mantra: No matter what don’t upset the applecart.
To R Mitchell:
If this is how you truly feel then why do you bother being the editor of this website?
It’s called apathy. One of the final stages every republic since the beginning has gone through before it falls completely apart. We’re witnessing history. Oh well, where was I? (rhetorical)
Looks like bmiller got the point of this op-ed: Where we are in the Tytler Cycle of Freedom.
If you’ve noticed that Congressional hearings NEVER result in any change (examples in the post) then why does everyone keep highlighting them and hoping for a different result?
If all of this plays out and nothing changes, apathy will take hold of a great many Americans – perhaps as intended.
Empathy and caring has been bred out of American citizens and that is a sad outlook for the future. Without empathy, we will fall into a state of entitlement that will never be satiated and murderous acts will be the only eventual outcome. Many Americans are scared to say anything out of fear of retaliation. We all came from one source…(if you believe in that, I do)…and we are all HUMAN. We ALL bleed red…unless you are an alien from outer space…, which means we need to start trying to help life each other up. Be happy for each other’s success. Stop trying to make someone fail. If you don’t want to help them succeed, then do and SAY NOTHING. Let their success just be. Stop allowing others to dictate what we should and should not believe. Do your own research, make your own inquiries, draw your OWN conclusions and if you wish, you too can share your findings for others to include in their own research! Negativity has started to run rampant…WE MUST START PROMOTING POSITIVE!!!! Work with each other to create a better tomorrow, a better future~~~This is just MY opinion. Nobody has to agree or disagree. Just wanted to vent and put it out there. A smile for a stranger can mean a life changed. That is my saying and my theory. Maybe we should start and “I CARE” movement where we create positivity and encouragement.