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Watch: President Trump Announces He Will Sign Born-Alive Executive Order – 9/23/20
President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he will sign an executive order requiring that any baby born alive will receive proper medical care.
The announcement came while the president delivered remarks at the 2020 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast.
It would seem unnecessary to have to put something like this in-place, but pro-abortion extremists have stretched morality past any reasonable limit.
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Northam, gov of VA, already stated that “the baby would be made comfortable.” I assume this has more specific instructions that that, saying that, no, after making him comfortable and/or giving him medical care, you still are not allowed to “have a discussion between the woman and the doctor” and then decide to kill the baby…
This is one of the rare instances where there COULD be “compromise.” I hear both sides arguing for one view or another,. but why do we never hear the suggestion of a time limit, such as “during the first 4-6 weeks” or “the first eight weeks” at the most— wait, come to think of it, some state have tried for a “heartbeat bill,” which would be the same, wouldn’t it? Interesting how the dims always want to put controls on the right that says “cannot be infringed” but will accept absolutely no control on the one thing that is not in the Constitution at all.
Just as they say “but times have changed and modern weapons are different blah blah,” and “the founders didn’t conceive of…blah blah” — but they never admit that the founders did not conceive that this would be an issue OR that we could see inside the womb with some magical technology called ultrasound to witness what is first a fetus and then a baby at different stages.