Syndicated PostsWhite House Watch
Watch: President Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Minnesota – 9/30/20
President Donald Trump travels to Duluth, Minnesota, Wednesday to hold a Great American Comeback rally.
The president is scheduled to speak at 9:00 p.m. EDT.
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I watched the “debate” which, in retrospect, it was a Dem hit job using Chris Wallace. If that wasn’t evident, ask yourself when Chris Wallace pursued Joe Biden on ANTIFA, or his SCOTUS picks. Why did Chris bring up Charlottesville, when he knew that the “Media” took it out of context? “White Supremacists”, if they exist to the extent the Media raises the name, they aren’t burning, looting, intimidating and rioting
like ANTIFA and BLM (Marxists) are doing. Why are DA’s not prosecuting them…because it’s obvious…Dems don’t prosecute Dems.
“Injecting bleach”?…that also was a Media “injected” slam on POTUS…the truth is that a company at exactly that time had developed. Inhalation is a form of “injection, right?
Did “Chris” pursue that slam? Nope!
Now they want a “mute” button at the next debate…I wonder if Joe will have one…he did a good job reading his notes.