The Security Industry Over The Past Decade And Looking Forward
The security industry is one of the more underappreciated industries in the world today. When you go to the mall or movie theater, you probably think less about the uniformed man walking around, and you don’t even see the man in the hidden room watching the camera feeds. But they’re the ones keeping property and people safe, and doing it around the clock. Security firms like MA Services, as seen on LinkedIn have deployed personnel and invested in high grade technology over the last 10 years, and here are some technologies that became prevalent, and a few that will be the norm in the future.
IP Surveillance Cam Usage
Surveillance cameras have certainly evolved over the years from closed circuit technology, and now IP cameras. They started becoming ubiquitous right around 2010 and 2011 as WiFi was becoming faster and higher in bandwidth, and as H264 video codecs became dominant. They continue to be used in high-tech security systems and have been made more effective with the evolution of the IP Security network protocols.
Cloud-based Security Platforms
Like all other IT systems, advanced security systems have a lot of costs that come with buying and upgrading infrastructure. Storing video footage and other data can be quite expensive if you keep it all in-house, especially when you need more server space. Cloud technology has greatly benefited the security industry as a reliable yet much cheaper alternative. It’s allowed for much easier management of systems as well as the integration of mobile device use to access the system. The main challenge, as always is making sure the right access control system is in place to guard the data.
Biometric Security Systems
Biometric systems have also started making their way into the mainstream of the security industry. You might think of things like door locks that are opened when you scan a fingerprint or the retina of an eye, but it’s becoming more than that. Facial recognition powered by available databases and information sharing is also starting to make its way in, and biometric security is becoming seen as one way to thwart cyber attacks.
AI And Robotics
Artificial intelligence is beginning to come into the security industry, but expect it to be even more a part of it in the very near future. Robots as well are starting to be developed to aid human security guards in patrolling the premises. Does this mean we’ll be seeing robocops or automated drones going around with big guns at the local supermarket tomorrow? Likely not, but security guards are likely to soon have more pairs of eyes helping them out.