JUSTICE: Appeals Court Orders Judge to Drop Case Against General Flynn
A federal appeals court on Wednesday ordered the dismissal of charges against General Michael Flynn and the end to the lower court’s attempt to gather amicus briefs in hopes of finding a way to deny the dismissal motion.
The decision comes in response to Flynn’s legal counsel having filed a petition of mandamus when District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan requested amicus curiae or “friend of the court” briefs to support his refusal to dismiss the charges against Flynn.
Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, said: “The proposed amicus brief has no place in this Court,” Powell wrote. “No further delay should be tolerated or any further expense caused to him and his defense.”
Summarily agreeing with Powell, the appeals court wrote that they “grant the petition for mandamus in part and order the district court to grant the government’s Rule 48(a) motion to dismiss the charges against Flynn.”
Fully shutting down Judge Sullivan’s antics, the appeals court also ordered his amicus witch hunt vacated saying, “the District Court’s order appointing an amicus is hereby vacated as moot.”
President Donald Trump applauded the appeals court decision as “Great!”