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Residents Continue to Complain About Speeding Accidents

South Carolina residents continue to complain about the two-way stop on the Dorchester County intersect, as the number of accidents continues to pile up.

In the last two years, there have been twelve accidents on this road that involved speeding, including a recent accident that involved a fatality.

Joye Law Firm of South Carolina specializes in supporting both drivers and pedestrians that were involved in accidents that weren’t their fault. They have seen the devastating results of speeding accidents firsthand, and they’re determined to get justice for their clients.

Lack of signs in neighborhoods hold some of the blame

In addition to carelessness, residents in South Carolina blame a severe lack of signage for many of the accidents. On this particular county road, it’s long and straight without any prior warning before the stop sign.

Many drivers have reported losing focus and not expecting the stop sign. Joye Law Firm, which has been named as one of the top law firms in America, has reported that this is a common issue on roads across the country.

Speed bumps aren’t being implemented in neighborhoods

Residents have also spoken out against this long road and its significant lack of tools to try to encourage drivers to decrease their speed.

Speed bumps are absent from this particular road. There’s also a lack of speed cameras, which can penalize drivers who break the speed limit.

Residents claim that without urgent action to reduce driver speed on this road, the accidents and fatalities will continue to grow.

Professional recommendations to reduce speed accidents

A report from the Department of Transportation reports that despite speeding-related fatalities remaining stable throughout South Carolina, the actual percentage of fatalities related to speeding is the highest in the entire country.

The professionals from Joye Law Firm recommend that the authorities take action to notify drivers of the stop sign in advance on this road. Furthermore, they recommend speed bumps around this two-way road to force drivers to slow down.

Posted speed limits have clearly not worked to reduce the number of speeding-related fatalities, so the legal industry is recommending more forceful measures.

To find out more about speeding accidents, click on this link:

How you can stay safe on the roads

State authorities can only do so much to prevent speeding-related accidents. It’s up to everyone to come together to reduce speeding on the roads of South Carolina.

Insurers report that the driver demographic at the biggest risk of speeding are younger drivers and those impaired by alcohol.

States across the nation spend a lot of time tackling driving under the influence, but the statistics reveal that there’s an increasing need to target younger drivers in particular.

This could include an additional emphasis on the dangers of speeding during driver education programs and harsher punishments for drivers who are caught speeding.

The reality is a speeding driver could cause an accident at any time. Not only does everyone need to increase their awareness of speeding but they need professional legal representation so they and their families are covered.

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