National Review’s Deroy Murdock Explains How One Terrorist Crossing The Border Is One Too Many
National Review contributing editor Deroy Murdock said on “Fox & Friends” Monday that even one terrorist crossing the southern border could create major problems for the United States and accused Democrats of downplaying the threat.
The segment opened with a clip of former U.S. Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke claiming “precisely zero terrorists … or terror plots have ever been connected with the U.S.-Mexico border.”
“There’s only been six,” co-host Brian Kilmeade said. “Only six. Well let’s see. It only took one terrorist to drive down the West Side highway here in New York just a couple years ago. Mowed down, I think it was what?”
“Killed eight, injured 12,” Murdock replied.
He then continued to provide examples of lone wolf attacks and said the only acceptable number of terrorists crossing the border is zero.
“We had the San Bernardino shooter back in 2015. One person there. Only one terrorist. 14 dead, 22 injured,” he continued. “Remember The Pulse Nightclub in Orlando? That was only one terrorist. 49 dead, 53 injured. So the left like to laugh it off and say, oh it’s only six. Well what would be the appropriate number? 16, 66, 600? What number of terrorists do they believe it would be okay to come across the border? I think the answer is zero.”
“I’ve got in my piece that you just mentioned a dozen different examples of people we’ve caught at the border, some of them coming across on foot, some of them sneaking inside of cars. Those are the ones we know about. The other ones who’ve run through, who we’ve not caught, who knows where they are [or] what they may have in mind.”
Murdock said out of the 396,579 apprehensions at the southwest border in 2018, there were 3,755 suspected terrorists who were prevented from entering the United States. He also claimed not every terrorist will exhibit violence and said some focus on fundraising and others lie in wait until they’re given an order to strike.
“Again these are people we’ve stopped. And thank God we’ve stopped them. Other people have gotten through. Now they may not all necessarily be blowing things up and gunning people down,” he said. “They could be raising money for Hezbollah as one of the people we eventually caught was doing. They could be training people. They could be radicalizing people. They could be sitting down very quietly waiting for instructions from Tehran or elsewhere.”
“I’m not comfortable with the idea of any terrorist coming across this border and it’s very sad and I think terrifying that the Democrat party doesn’t believe this is something serious. They laugh this off like it’s some big joke,” Murdock concluded.
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