Giuliani: Actually, maybe some collusion?
CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s attempted to create a fake narrative that Rudy Giuliani backtracked on his previous denials that the president had worked with Russians to gain an edge in the 2016 campaign.
Cuomo attempted to use Paul Manafort’s conviction as proof that Giuliani had been dishonest in previous interviews. But Manafort was convicted of financial crimes and the bad acts occurred well before Manafort was involved with the Trump campaign.
“Mr. Mayor, false reporting is saying that nobody in the campaign had any contacts with Russia. False reporting is saying that there has been no suggestion of any kind of collusion between the campaign and any Russians. Because now you have Paul Manafort giving poll data that winds up leading to this coincidence.”
Giuliani tried to correct Cuomo telling him that he could only speak to whether President Trump had colluded with Russia and he has, at all times, said that Trump was not involved in any collusion.
Giuliani: “Well, you just misstated my position. I never said there was no collusion between the campaign, or between people in the campaign. I have no idea…I said the president of the United States. There is not a single bit of evidence the president of the United States committed the only crime you could commit here, conspired with the Russians to hack the DNC.”
The president has gone on the record many times to say there was no collusion between himself and Russian agents and there has been no proof to the contrary – much to Cuomo’s chagrin.