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Jedediah Bila Joins Fox News Channel as Contributor

Jedediah Bila
Jedediah Bila – Photo: Jordan Matter

FOX News Channel (FNC) has signed Emmy-nominated television host Jedediah Bila to a contributor role, announced Lauren Petterson, Senior Vice President of Morning Programming & Talent Development for the network.

“Over the years, Jedediah has built a strong relationship with our audience through her unique perspective on the big issues of the day. We’re excited to welcome her back to the FOX News family.” Petterson said during the announcement.

“I’m very excited to re-join the FOX News family, the place I started my TV career,” Bila added. “I’m really looking forward to this new chapter and all that’s to come.”

In 2011, Jedediah appeared as a guest on Hannity and Red Eye. She then expanded her role as commentator to other networks, including CNBC and MSNBC.

Bila joined FNC as a contributor in 2013, appearing regularly on FNC’s top-rated ensemble shows Outnumbered (weekdays 12-1PM/ET) and The Five (weekdays 5-6PM/ET), where she provided analysis on the top news stories, controversies and issues of the day from a libertarian-conservative point-of-view.

Most recently, Bila served as co-host of ABC’s The View, earning two Daytime Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Entertainment Talk Show Host. As a recurring guest co-host in Season 19 and an official co-host of the show’s 20th season, she interviewed many influencers across politics and culture, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, reality television star Kim Kardashian and Senator Bernie Sanders, among others. Additionally, in July 2017, Bila secured an exclusive interview with embattled Dance Moms star Abby Lee Miller ahead of her 366-day prison sentence. The interview, which was presented in a Lifetime special entitled, Abby Tells All, earned universal praise.

A graduate and valedictorian of Wagner College, Bila went on to receive her Master of Arts from Columbia University. She is the author of #DoNotDisturb: How I Ghosted My Cell Phone to Take Back My Life, released in October 2018. Prior to joining FOX News in 2013, Bila was a high school academic dean and Spanish teacher at a private New York City K-12 school, and had taught middle school, high school, and college students.

Bila moved from education to politics in 2009, somewhat by accident, when she reviewed talk radio host Mark Levin’s book, Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, on her blog. Levin later read the review on air, prompting Fox News’ Sean Hannity to invite her on his television show.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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