7 Takeaways from the 2018 Midterms
The 2018 Midterms saw a wide variety of results in the Senate, House, and Governor races. Here are my 7 takeaways from this year’s elections:
First – There was no “wave”
Leading up to the election, both parties were hoping for either a blue or a red “wave” or an election with major party gains. However, despite voter turnout being extremely high, which is great for democracy, there was neither a blue or red wave. If there had been a blue wave, the Democrats would have taken the Senate. Conversely, if there had been a red wave, the Republicans would have held the House or allowed a much smaller Democratic majority.
Second –Republicans won the 2018 Midterms
While there was no red wave, Republicans were victorious. Despite multiple factors pushing against them including being outspent by over $400 million, numerous historical aspects, and the usual mainstream media push, Republicans should be happy with the results of the 2018 Midterms and should label the results as a success.
In the Senate, Republicans were extremely successful, gaining seats and solidifying their majority. In Texas, Republicans and President Trump were able to hold off Beto O’Rourke, despite $70 million being poured in for the Democratic candidate and the consistent mainstream media push for the candidate. In North Dakota, Indiana, Florida, and Missouri, Republicans voted out all four Democratic incumbents, using the Kavanaugh hearings in a late push. Overall, the 2018 Senate elections were a major success for the President and Republicans and the election will only make it easier for them to push and pass policy.
Even with the loss of the House, the Republicans should view the results of the House elections as successful. In House races alone, GOP members were outspent by over $300 million and historically were at a loss, given that the President was a member of their party. Despite these disadvantages, Republicans and President Trump were able to contain the losses in the House, only losing around 35 seats. In comparison to how other Presidents fared during Midterms, this should be seen as extremely successful. President Obama and President Clinton lost 63 and 52 seats, respectively, during their first Midterms. While the Democratic majority in the House threatens endless investigations and to stymie the President’s agenda, historically the President was supposed to lose much more than just the House so Republicans should be happy they were able to contain the losses of the house and only give the Democrats a minor majority in the House.
Third – Endorse Pelosi for Speaker
With Democrats in control of the House, Republicans should endorse and ensure Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker of the House, even if it means voting for her. For Republicans, assuming that the speaker will be a Democrat, Pelosi is the next best alternative. A Pelosi speakership would be great for Republicans and a disaster for Democrats. Pelosi has been known to mobilize the right and represents the establishment that is disliked by many Republicans. In addition, the California Democrat has a dismal 27.5% approval rating, which will not help Democrats long term. By ensuring her speakership, Republicans would be doing themselves a favor and most likely increase their chances of taking back the House in 2020.
Fourth – Takeaways from the Governor Races
The 2018 Midterms saw the Democrats flip 7 governorships while losing just one. Democrats are touting this as a sign of their increasing popularity in the nation. However, Republicans shouldn’t worry too much about this, as governorships have always been a misleading sign in indications of a state’s political support. Often times, a state’s governing political party is different than the majority of the state’s political party. For years, Republican Chris Christie was governor of New Jersey, despite the state’s status as a solidly Democratic state. The reality is that governorships are a bad indicator of what the state’s nations political views are.
Fifth –2020 Democratic Nomination
With the 2018 Midterms complete, the focus will now shift to the 2020 election campaign. Specifically, the Democratic nomination. While Trump has essentially wrapped up the Republican nomination, the Democratic nomination is up for grabs with no real frontrunner. Until 2020, we will see a wide variety of candidates, including Corey Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and many more, fight for the nomination and a chance at President Trump.
Sixth – Voter Fraud
Reports from both the Florida and Arizona senate race have suggested severe amounts of voter fraud in both elections. While these reports haven’t been definitively confirmed, it is something that must be investigated. If true, something must be done immediately to stop voter fraud from occurring in future elections.
Seventh – The Polling Industry
The 2016 election of Donald Trump saw the polling industry rightfully lose almost all of its credibility. The 2018 Midterms, however, was a good sign for the industry with them correctly predicting that the Democrats would take the House and the Republicans would gain seats in the Senate. That being said, it will take a long time for them to fully gain the people’s trust, but the 2018 Midterms were a step in the right direction.
Content written by Rohan Kapur is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of original content, please email rohan.t.kapur@gmail.com
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