Editorial Cartoons
Passing Wind -A.F. Branco Cartoon
Do you think the mainstream media will make a big deal out of Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Brett Kavanaugh if they prove untrue? Us neither.
See more of Branco’s work HERE and please, please, please buy his newest coffee table book “Make America Laugh Again: Vol. 2” HERE.
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Not exactly what I expected from the title….but then you knew that.
Nope….but a word of caution: Don’t get caught up in their vortex as they spiral in never ending circles in search of another anonymous source.
OK..READERS !!! “Make America Laugh Again” is a MUST read !! It’s a quick and easy read that will keep you chuckling for days to come….. Much cheaper than therapy & a lot more fun. A great gift for your conservative or not so conservatives….Tony is the George Carlin of cartoons.
Thank you Jan, and for the surprise in the mail.
Your friend
Antonio (Carlin) Branco