The Political Case Against Turning The Other Cheek
Should Christian conservatives practice the Biblical admonition of turning the other cheek when they are attacked?
Should President Trump remain silent, as George Bush did, when he’s attacked on an hourly and daily basis for doing the things he promised his voters and supporters he would do once in the Oval Office? After all, he’s only doing what presidents always do once they have legal executive branch power following an election, and frequently the objections to him and his presidency are violent and physical, as well as the written and verbal abuse he‘s subjected to.
One would not suggest that President Trump nor his supporters physically attack their detractors when they become obnoxious and offensive, but Trump’s tweets and sharp verbal responses to his mistreatment are completely appropriate.
One would also discourage shooting liberal politicians and demonstrators, as the Bernie Sanders’ supporter shot Republicans last year at a baseball practice, nearly killing Steve Scalise. But one fears that responding in kind to the ultra-violent crimes and abuse of liberals will only lead to more of such nation-wakening behavior, while peaceful responses, just as President Trump is doing, are needed so our less-involved citizens can know how nasty and wrong liberals are.
The liberal, fake press will never perform their responsibilities under the first amendment and report news favorable to Trump, so the president will just have to continue to defend himself and use the tools available to him to do launch that defense. After all, he’s been a winner the way he’s handled things to this point.