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Illegal alien charged in murder of Mollie Tibbetts

Christhian RiveraAuthorities in Iowa announced today that the man charged with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts is an illegal alien.

Christian Rivera, 24, allegedly stalked Tibbetts on the night she disappeared. A security camera caught Rivera using his car, a black Chevy Malibu, to follow Mollie while she was jogging.

Rivera “seemed to be drawn to her on that particular day and chose to abduct her,” Rick Rahn of the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation said.

Officials said that Rivera, a Mexican national, then got out his vehicle and pursued Mollie on foot. Mollie pulled out her phone and demanded that he stay away, according to Rivera’s statements to authorities. After Tibbetts demanded he stay away, Rivera said that he blacked out and does not remember anything else.

Rivera told investigators he became angry when Tibbetts showed a cell phone and threatened to call police. He says he panicked and then “blocked” his memory. He says he does not recall what happened but found an earpiece from headphones in his lap and realized he’d put Tibbetts’ in his trunk.

He opened the trunk and noticed blood on the side of her head.

Rivera told law enforcement that he then put her body in a cornfield and covered it with corn stalks. Her body was found when Rivera led police to the field where he left her.

Tibbetts’ disappearance has become a national news story and will likely receive a level of attention similar to another case where an illegal alien killed a young American woman – the murder of Kate Steinle.

Rivera is charged with First Degree Murder.

Iowa does not have the death penalty.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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    1. I feel what you’re bringing, but, I did mention that Iowa does not have the death penalty. States have the right to decide penalties on non-federal crimes, and the rule of law is paramount. Killing a young girl should come with the stiffest of penalties, but that’s up to the states and their voters. Hey Iowa, what say you?

  1. How many more must die at the hands of illegal aliens until this nation wakes up? And, as an Iowan, I believe this state needs to restore the death penalty in a case such as this.

  2. The left wants you to believe that this is a isolated case—please have your leftist friends check into The railway serial killer Angel Maturino Resendiz who was convicted of killing 15 Americans and a suspected in 8 more murders—He was a Illegal Alien–if we had a wall these people will still be with us.

    1. “IF” I recall correctly, he went back and forth to Mexico multiple times UNDETECTED between murders. i also remember the terror it caused anyone that lived near a railroad, particularly in SE Az and Texas.
      While a wall will not stop 100% of illegal entry, it will be a strong layer of defense for law enforcement and American citizens.

      FAIR estimates that over 1000 VIOLENT crimes DAILY in USA are committed by illegals….that’s 1000 too many!

      I’m not anti-immigrant…..just Pro-American

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