Liberal Massive Over-Reaction Is Not Trump’s Fault
The liberal swamp is so hatefully disposed against President Trump for treading into their domain and performing better than they ever have, and for getting more things accomplished than they’ve ever been able to do, that they jump too quickly and with too much venom when they think they‘ve found a blemish in Trump‘s performance. They’ve massively over-criticized him for words he spoke in Helsinki because they smelled blood in the political water. Americans are able to watch this spewing of hate coming exclusively from the American left and they will remember the leftist‘s attempts to invalidate the results of the 2016 election that put Trump in the White House.
It can easily be shown that Obama was much more subservient to Putin than Trump could possibly be, and that Obama behaved in a much more anti-American way, in manner and words, on the international scene, than Trump will ever do.
American liberals, in their haste to inflict political injury on President Trump in any way they can, via their tsunami of vicious rhetoric, have hurt themselves and have built sympathy for Donald Trump and his pro-American policies. When a former Obama CIA chief (John Brennan), who voted in the past for a Communist candidate for president, calls Trump a traitor, we know Democrats are stepping on their own message, and I’d like to see more of their childish, uncontrolled fits every day.