“This indictment proves that we never needed a special counsel,” said former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz on Friday night.
Appearing on Fox New’s “The Story With Martha MacCallum” Dershowitz defended President Trump and further attacked special counsel Robert Meuller following the announcement of 12 Russian officials being indicted.
MacCallum asked Dershowitz to comment on a tweet from the President’s attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming the indictments are good news for all Americans.
Guliani’s tweet read: The indictments Rod Rosenstein announced are good news for all Americans. The Russians are nailed. No Americans are involved. Time for Mueller to end this pursuit of the President and say President Trump is completely innocent.
“Well, you know it proves — this indictment proves that we never needed a special counsel,” Dershowitz answered.
Dershowitz continued:
“This indictment could have been brought by ordinary prosecutors, ordinary FBI agents. There’s no conflict here. It’s Russians they are going after. There is no president; There’s no people around the president. There’s no conflict between the attorney general, the deputy attorney general and Americans — It’s all Russians. Why do we need to spend 20, 30, 40 million dollars, have special counsel appointed to do a routine national security investigation?”
Dershowitz concluded his thoughts by pointing out the fact that indictments are not proof:
“And indictments are just one-sided allegations. They are not proof.”
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