Democrats Need To Be Honest About Why They Object To Trump’s Court Appointees
Democrats don’t care about the constitution allowing a president to make several Supreme Court appointments during his/her administration. And they don’t particularly care about liberal versus conservative appointments for a particular court opening. So why are they all in a twist about every Supreme Court nomination that President Trump makes? The sad truth is that Democrats are all about radical politics, while the Constitution is about efficient, fair governing and conflict resolution. And we all know that liberal Democrats despise the constitution.
All Democrats care about is not losing control of the Court, which control in the past has allowed liberals to overrule legislative initiatives and rulings that they don’t like and to get legal decisions that the legislature would not give them, by having the court rule on a personal preference basis as to what policy will be and what it won’t be. So they’ve packed the court with people favorable or persuadable to the liberal philosophy and made law from the bench when the law was in their way.
Conservatives are far more likely than liberals to decide cases based on the constitution, because it makes for a more stable, predictable existence, whereas liberals believe in “progressively” (their word, not mine) changing society and weakening it to the point where citizens are less self-sufficient and more dependent on government for the things the want and need.
Even a conservative Catholic justice is more likely to decide a case based on the wording of the constitution and not on his/her religion, but liberals are all about social change and giving every mal-content what they want, at government, and the broader societal, expense.
Too much of our current law has come from the bench and not from the legislature, and Democrats are filling their drawers with fear of losing their last great hope of continuing to rule America.