Democrat’s Latest: Jim Crow Meet Juan Canto
It’s been a decade since I agreed with the Democrat platform, but I must give the party a great deal of credit for its consistency. There is a direct correlation between Democrats in 2018 fighting to increase their political power by demanding vote–less illegal aliens be counted in the census; and Democrats in 1818 demanding equally vote–less slaves continue to be counted in the census to increase their political power.
In both instances Democrats are exploiting the downtrodden for their own advantage.
When the Constitution was written each slave was counted as three–fifths of a person. History ignoramuses contend this proves the US was founded as a racist nation. The opposite is true. Slave owners wanted each of their charges counted in the census because it would increase the population of the South and grant slave–holding states more representation with additional power to encourage the growth of slavery.
Anti–slavery Founding Fathers didn’t want slaves to be counted at all, thereby reducing the number of congressmen allotted to the South. Three–fifths was a compromise that unfortunately wound up giving Democrats in the South a third more seats in Congress and consequently a third more electoral votes than counting just the free population alone would have done.
Counting the powerless worked so well for Democrats then, they want to repeat the process with illegal aliens in the 2020 census. Plus, showing leopards never change their spots, this new counting scheme is a twofer: It will continue the tradition of penalizing blacks, while exploiting vote–less Hispaniards.
Standing in the way of this power–grab are the normally piñata–like Republicans who want to include a question on the census form that asks the citizenship status of the respondent. This makes perfect sense to me. Even better it makes perfect sense to American citizens. A recent Rasmussen Reports poll found that an overwhelming 89 percent of the surveyed 1,000 adults think including the citizenship question is important and 69 percent say it’s very important. (Although to be truthful, I’m not sure how many ‘Press #2 for Spanish’ adults were included in the survey sample.)
The census is crucial for enhancing political power because the results are used to apportion the 435 congressional seats between the various states, based on each state’s population.
If I happen to be visiting Cancun to attend the most recent severed head display and the Mexican government is simultaneously conducting its census, I wouldn’t expect to be counted, even though I have strong opinions regarding the Mexican government. The same should go for citizens of other nations who happen to be in the US, legally or otherwise.
Leftists disagree. Faster than you can say “Jim Crow” Democrats are accusing the GOP of wanting to keep the brown man down.
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D–Senility) told the AP adding a simple question regarding citizenship “will inject fear and distrust into vulnerable communities and cause traditionally undercounted communities to be even further underrepresented, financially excluded and left behind.”
It would also significantly reduce the number of Democrat congressmen. California maintains its population by importing illegals to replace citizens who flee to other states in a desperate effort to escape high taxes and intrusive nanny–state government. Currently the U–Haul trailers heading east are more than compensated for by the huaraches heading north.
That’s one of the main reasons California leftists fight to keep the state a sanctuary for illegals. If we take the conservative estimate for the number of illegals in the US at 12 million, counting those people in a census meant to apportion representation for citizens would mean the illegals produce 17 extra members of congress for the states that harbor them.
The effect of this policy is to make a Hispaniard vote count more than a black vote. Gerrymandering and the Dept. of Justice pressure state legislatures to carve out districts for ethnic groups based on their population within the state. It’s a complete victory for Cultural Marxists originally enabled by bigoted Southern Democrats.
In effect, it means a congressional district with 700,000 Hispaniards is allotted one congressman, but of those 700,000 only 500,000 or fewer may be citizens eligible to vote. While a district with 700,000 blacks, all of them citizens, will also get only one member. Black votes are counted once, while in our hypothetical example the individual Hispaniard vote counts as 1.4 votes.
Jim Crow is replaced by Juan Canto.
Keeping the citizenship question off the census form isn’t a matter of fighting racism. It’s a matter of Democrats using any means necessary to enhance their power and control over American culture. If illegals are discouraged from participating in the census, so much the better. They always have the option of being counted in their real country.