Wow, The Democrat “Big Blue Wave Coming” Certainly Is Diminutive
The usual blowhards on the left puffed up the liberal rabble recently with their predictions that Donald Trump had upset the nation, that he is unfit for the presidency, that the Republicans are losing ground in the House and Senate, that the Trump administration is in chaos, and aside from that, a big blue wave of elected Democrats is moving this way fast. And it will end the Republican political domination in Washington. Oh, and Trump is a racist.
Well, we learn over time that even the most unexpected things can happen, and after listening to the crowing from Democrats in 2016 about the inevitable Hillary election, and in fact even as late as election night in November, 2016, all of the polls showed Hillary winning handily over Trump, and all of the smart set on CNN and MSNBC were congratulating Hillary in advance for her win, soon to come, and the likes of Robert Mueller and his entire Trump-collusion investigating team were making plans to attend Hillary’s grand election celebration. And then she lost.
Lately the Democrats have been boasting about a certain, hands down victory blow-out win in this week’s Pennsylvania House special election, but here it is three days after the election was held and the lead is so small for the Democrat candidate, two-tenths of a percentage point was the last status I saw, plus some polling place irregularities are being investigated by the Republicans, that even this election may not end up being won by the candidate of the left. But the closeness of the vote certainly does not indicate a bright future for the party of the Clinton duo and Barack Obama.
But I encourage Democrats to keep looking for that blue wave, and keep bad-mouthing Trump’s tax reduction for middle America; keep blaming him for North Korea’s nuclear threats to Hawaii, Guam, Japan and South Korea; keep blocking ICE from trying to arrest criminal aliens to prevent them from killing again; keep hiding bad people in your idiotic sanctuary cities; keep releasing alien criminals and protecting them from prison or deportation; keep giving the vote to illegal aliens; keep giving free healthcare to illegal aliens; keep giving welfare benefits to illegal aliens; keep pushing for a prohibition of all guns from American citizens; keep allowing the FBI to present false evidence in the Trump-collusion debacle; keep harassing Trump with this unsightly Mueller investigation, and you’ll see a wave coming, but it will be a wave of good-bye to your sorry, leftist rear ends after your political party and its criminal, unconstitutional, anti-America agenda is defeated, again.