Oops! Libs Foiled Again When A Gun PREVENTS A Killing Spree
The latest school shooting, this time in Maryland, was brought up and the only thing that can assure the end to such an event: a good guy with a gun, and the courage to use it.
Notice I didn’t say that the gun stopped the killing, unlike liberals who always blame the gun, and not the shooter, for any shooting, by repeating the old crap of “guns kill people”. But don’t expect liberals to now say that in cases like this one “guns save people”, because they are radical ideologues who are mentally unable to look at or think about anything or any policy not pushed by Barack Obama or the idiots Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi or Charles Schumer, and reach an independent, self-arrived-at conclusion as to its value or detriment to society.
But to repeat my point, the gun in the hands of the Maryland School Resources Officer stopped the school shooting and limited the harm to the students in the building. One only hopes that other school districts adopt this plan for a “gun protected zone” to replace the many “gun free zones” that are not only not protecting schools across America, but seem to be attracting demented attackers to them.
Guns are only as good or bad as the person pulling the trigger. One could easily extend this logic to national defense, where we spend billions of dollars to build defensive missiles to protect the nation from an enemy’s offensive missiles. And if the defensive missile is sufficiently sophisticated, it will deter any future attack from a rogue nation, thereby ending the threat of an attack even being attempted or initiated.
Although the Maryland shooting has to be reported to the public, one hopes the name and all personal aspects of the shooter’s life and identity are withheld from public reporting, thereby taking the glamour out of such an attack and hopefully deterring any future nut-case from repeating this type of crime for the fame and the celebrity status they feel it may give them.
One hates to get political in such matters, but everyone should be reminded of the Bernie Sanders follower who shot House Republicans a few months ago and nearly killed Steve Scalese, as they were assembled in a DC suburb to play baseball. In that event the gun in the hands of Mr. Scalese’s bodyguard killed the attacker. The liberal fake news media did not report that event to the extent they would have otherwise, because it ended when a good gun killed a bad guy, but they kept it under wraps and didn’t blow it into a political football they could use against Donald Trump and the NRA because a practicing, believing liberal, committed the crime.