ABC uses misleading tweet to push anti-gun narrative
ABC News posted a tweet Tuesday morning that misleads followers into thinking that 7,000 kids have been killed in school shooting since the Columbine tragedy.
“Activists place thousands of shoes near the U.S. Capitol, creating a memorial to children killed by gun violence since the Sandy Hook school shooting,” they tweeted in a post that includes a video of a professionally organized event by Avaaz – a group that specializes in outrage clicktivism and leftist optics.
Activists place thousands of shoes near the U.S. Capitol, creating a memorial to children killed by gun violence since the Sandy Hook school shooting.
— ABC News (@ABC) March 13, 2018
In the video, the group holds up a banner that says “7,000 kids killed” which, when mixed with ABC’s biased Twitter post, may lead viewers to think that mass school shootings have taken the lives of that many children just since Columbine. What’s even worse is that the link in the tweet doesn’t go to an article about the shoe protest or proof that so many kids have been killed in mass school shootings, but instead to an ABC “news” article that takes a leftward swipe at the president and the NRA.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on Monday pushed back against suggestions that the White House’s newly-released school safety proposals amount to a retreat for President Donald Trump in the face of pressure from the National Rifle Association.
But, how close to the actual figure is ABC’s less-than-honest tweet? Have 7,000 children been killed in mass school shootings since Sandy Hook?
In fact, only 122 people have been killed in mass school shootings if we go all the way back to Columbine. The Sandy Hook tragedy happened three years later.
Since the Columbine High School massacre set off a nationwide moral panic in 1999, there have been 10 school shootings in which four or more people were killed. Including the death or suicide of the perpetrators, these mass shootings have resulted in 122 fatalities.
The “thousands” of children that have been killed due to gun violence were murdered due to their gang affiliation, during the commission of a crime, in domestic violence incidents and other far more deadly situations than mass shootings in America’s more than 100,000 public schools.
ABC’s positioning of the protest and correlation to Columbine is ideological at best and an unethical approach to news at worst.
The fact that the leftist organizers (not the children themselves) would stoop to using children to promote their LIES testifies to both the stupidity utter dishonesty of their cause. How can an Honorable cause be justified when it hides behind children who have neither the experience nor rational to determine the truth of something so falsely made controversial. The use of children – to whom you can tell of Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny as real things – to further the idea that our rights and liberty to protect ourselves from Tyrannical government is utterly disgusting! Their narrative is a LIE – but using children for even a Truthful Narrative is despicable.
Hey organizers – come and tell me your B. S. – oh that’s right! You’ve already tried that and I see right thru you! You are a bunch of desperate cowards!!