Trump signs memo creating the National Vetting Center
“Today, President Donald J. Trump signed a National Security Presidential Memorandum to establish a National Vetting Center (NVC) to coordinate the efforts of departments and agencies to better identify individuals seeking to enter the country who present a threat to national security, border security, homeland security, or public safety,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement Thursday.
The NVC, which will be led by the Department of Homeland Security, will help fulfill the President’s requirement that departments and agencies improve their coordination and use of intelligence and other information in the vetting process.
The Federal Government’s current vetting efforts are ad hoc, which impedes our ability to keep up with today’s threats. The NVC will better coordinate these activities in a central location, enabling officials to further leverage critical intelligence and law enforcement information to identify terrorists, criminals, and other nefarious actors trying to enter and remain within our country. The NVC’s operations will adhere to America’s strong protections for individuals’ privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties. The Administration’s top priority is the safety and security of the public, and the NVC will empower our frontline defenders to better fulfill that obligation.
There is no doubt that the need for additional efforts in this area are more than needed. I’m not quite clear just how or what it will consist of. I recall that the HLS was formed after 9-11 to coordinate ALL agencies (CIA, FBI etc) Will they ‘vet’ those already in the Country? Or new arrivals?
While speaking of vetting…..I hope that some of that $25B would be used to hire people to work on the huge backllog of LEGAL applicants…Believe it or not, as late as 2007 hands on paper apps were being worked…NO computers…..Those legally wanting to enter deserve the same attention as the criminal trespassers…
We’ve elected a man of action as well as talk….Let’s keep the faith!!