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Buffalo Wild Wings Employee Silences National Anthem on 9/11

“The Star-Spangled Banner” is at the center of controversy again, but not at a football game.

Customers at an Eastvale, California Buffalo Wild Wings said that an employee censored the anthem by muting the sound as it was played before Monday Night Football on September 11th.

When the unidentified employee was asked why the anthem was muted, he answered that it was company policy not to play it.

“No one understood what was so controversial. It’s 9/11, it’s a sporting event, why is it controversial?” a customer who identified herself as Lori said.

Lori took a photo of the employee and shared it on Facebook, prompting a response from the restaurant. She said a manager apologized immediately for the employee’s behavior. Later, he said in a statement that “We do not have a policy regarding this matter.”

Buffalo Wild Wings posted an official statement on its website:

We apologize that Guests at the Eastvale, California location didn’t receive the positive sports viewing experience we strive to provide in all of our restaurants every day. This was the action of one individual and does not reflect our corporate practice. Our intent is to show game broadcasts in their entirety including the National Anthem, post-game interviews, and highlights.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. Typical asshat. He should be fired. BWW doesn’t need him setting policy. This has become typical of liberal workers: they set policy and rules as they go along and then claim that is the way it has always been done. As a matter of fact I just ran into another example of that, I went to my local lab to have my blood drawn at my doctor’s request. Once the flobotomist completed the intake she asked me how I was going to pay $94 for today’s services? I asked her where these charges were coming from to which she replied, “They have always been there for patients with your insurance.” This being Washington, DC, and not wanting to cause a riot, I didn’t say that the real reason was because Obama Care was driving up the cost of insurance while eliminating some procedures which were once paid for.

  2. Here is a response from Buffalo Wild Wings –

    Hello Mr. C——,
    Thank you for reaching out via our guest comment line. We are embarrassed that this happened in on of our restaurants. This is not our policy. We apologize this happened in one of our restaurants. This individual acted alone and is no longer with our company. If you would like to discuss further, please email or call me at your convenience.

    Thank you,

    Lisa Sietz
    District Manager
    World Wide Wings, LLC

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