
Here Come the Trump Divorces as Election Fallout Wrecks Marriages

American divorce attorneys have to be clicking their heels at the coming of what are already being referred to as “Trump divorces”, it could be a huge wave that is only beginning to build.

The vicious battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump seems to have fractured households and created irreconcilable differences between people who were once considerably smitten enough with each other to tie the knot. Now thanks to the Democrats and their poison politics, relationships will be shattered and in many cases, the real victims will be the children.

The announcement that new White House Communications Director Anthony “the Mooch” Scaramucci was being divorced by his then pregnant wife who allegedly hates Trump is just the most high profile of what will be a rush to sever the bonds of wedlock due to political differences.

A former cheerleader for the NFL’s Miami Dolphins is dumping her husband who is a Florida state attorney (a Democrat) over conflicts derived from her support of Trump.

Via The Hill “Florida Republican cites Trump arguments as reason for divorce”:

A former Miami Dolphins cheerleader is citing her political differences over President Trump as the reason for her divorce from her husband.

The woman, Lynn Aronberg, runs an international public relations firm that publicized the separation this week.

The firm issued a press release dubbed the “Trump Divorce” that describes the former cheerleader as “a staunch Republican and supporter of President Donald Trump” and said “she felt increasingly isolated in the marriage,” the Palm Beach Post reported.

Aronberg, 36, was married for two years to Palm Beach state attorney Dave Aronberg (D), 45, who also served in the state senate.

Lynn Aronberg filed a divorce petition on Friday in Palm Beach County Circuit Court through an attorney, according to the Palm Beach Post.

She said the divisive election ended up taking too big of a toll on the couple’s marriage.

The Democrats’ and Mrs. Clinton’s scorched earth war on Trump has claimed many relationships as collateral damage thanks to what was one of the most divisive campaigns in American political history.

Perhaps her rhetoric had something to do with something within her own twisted psyche and being humiliated by her philandering dirtbag husband but it was vile and disgraceful and many couples who used to love each other have had their relationships poisoned beyond redemption by that demented, blood-drenched succubus.

Conservative activist Laura Loomer pretty much nails it here:

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Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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One Comment

  1. I can understand politics separating a family. You don’t discuss religion or politics.I’m a staunch republican, my wife is middle of the road and votes for both parties and her sister is a radical democrat feminazi. We used to argue until we were blue in the face until my wife banned politics from the family.Now we get along as long as we don’t talk politics. My wife supported and voted for Trump this year.She’s also a good sport with me having accompanied me twice to Rush Limbaugh”s TV show in New York when he had it and going to Sean Hannity’s freedom concerts in New jersey and photographing me with Ann Coulter.

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