Middle Aged Couple Hospitalized After Failed Reenactment of ‘Dirty Dancing’ Scene
One of the most difficult parts of life is having to admit that you are getting old and no longer able to do the same things that you were once able to pull off with relative ease in your younger years.
Trust me on this one.
A middle-aged British couple learned that lesson the hard way when they attempted to reenact a scene from the 1980’s hit movie “Dirty Dancing” to celebrate their wedding.
The soon to be newlyweds made a go at pretending that they were Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray in the beer garden of a pub – were they possibly drinking? – but it ended up with emergency medical personnel being summoned to the scene and both of them in the hospital.
A couple tried to recreate the famous lift from “Dirty Dancing” — and landed themselves in the emergency room https://t.co/8oViB4pKC9
— New York Post (@nypost) July 13, 2017
According to the New York Post “Couple’s ‘Dirty Dancing’ lift goes terribly wrong”:
A couple tried to recreate the famous lift from “Dirty Dancing” for their wedding — and landed themselves in the emergency room.
Bride-to-be Sharon Price and fiance Andy Price were left unconscious when a practice attempt at the iconic scene spectacularly flopped.
The pair has watched the ’80s cult classic more than 30 times and wanted to do the lift on their big day.
And after playing around in a pub beer garden, they thought it would be a laugh if they had a go.
Just like Jennifer Grey leaping into the arms of Patrick Swayze, 52-year-old Sharon ran at 51-year-old Andy and was ready for him to hoist her above his head.
But Sharon winded herself and was left struggling for breath, and Andy hit his head so hard, he was knocked out.
The pair of them were left flat out on the grass and relatives with them took photos as they thought they were playing around.
But then they realized the situation was serious and called an ambulance to the scene in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, a small town 140 miles west of London, and the two were rushed to the hospital.
Paramedics loaded Andy into an ambulance after cutting off his T-shirt, and switched on their emergency lights as they rushed him to the hospital.
Sharon said doctors at the hospital laughed when she told them how the accident happened.
She said: “The paramedics were pretty worried about Andy and cut his T-shirt off and blue-lighted him up to Southmead.
“We are OK now but Andy has a bruised back and neck and my back still hurts.”
Sharon added: “All I could hear was the paramedics saying he was going in and out of consciousness. Our feet were still entwined and they had to separate us.”
“We were both badly bruised but we’re all right now.”
Fortunately, no major damage was done but the two participants will probably stick to watching “Dirty Dancing” on their video players from now on.
You have to realize your limitations.
Ha, Ha, Ha, will we never learn, I know that at 73 I haven’t, well they tried, I don’t.
Hope you’re OK folks.