Trump’s morning empty – surprise in store?
President Donald Trump’s schedule for Thursday is notably empty with no events before his 12:30 PM Eastern appearance at the Faith and Freedom conference. Does the President have an unannounced event planned to upstage James Comey‘s testimony before a Congressional committee?
Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee has driven the news cycle for the entire week with some outlets even hosting countdown clocks. The build-up has led to many calling it the Superbowl of D.C. politics while the President would rather have the spotlight on him during his “infrastructure week.”
Will Trump appear with road workers or utility crews just as Comey begins to testify? Will there be a surprise executive order signing ceremony? Who knows?
If the President’s communication’s team is on the ball, they have something planned that will take the air out of the Senate hearing. If the White House wants to keep the momentum going for the Trump agenda while pulling attention away from negative stories, this is the time to do it.
Trump might also be sitting back with popcorn, a soda the Comey hearing live stream and Twitter, as are many Americans because who doesn’t like watching a good dumpster fire.
I’m keeping tabs on the White House Press Office and will get information to you as quickly as possible if they pull off a surprise upstage of circus being held on Capitol Hill.
Being the testimony of Comey is over hype and will produce as much information as Geraldo’s opening the safe, Trump is wise to make better use of his time.