Comey Won’t Testify This Week
Fired FBI Director James Comey will not attend a congressional hearing Wednesday as planned.
House Oversight Committee Charman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) had invited Comey to testify on the details and controversy that surrounded his termination. But, as will likely happen with all evidence and witnesses related to Trump, Special Counsel Robert Mueller will see Comey first.
Spoke with Comey. He wants to speak with Special Counsel prior to public testimony. Hearing Wed postponed. @GOPoversight
— Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) May 22, 2017
Mueller is looking into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible ties between Trump campaign members and Russian officials.
The former FBI director was supposedly fired for the mishandling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Trump opponents believe he fired him in retribution for the Russian collusion probe.
Comey has accepted an invitation to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee but refused to appear before the Senate Judicial Committee.
I am sooo dumb with politics. Each morning I wake up, turn on my computer, and within minutes find I’m becoming dumber than when I started the morning. For example, a left-winger tweeted a slam at Melania for holding a rosary in her left hand. I am one stupid, deplorable Catholic who will probably now go to hell because I often hold a rosary in my left hand. And we Conservatives? We want to kill everyone. Cut off their food payments. End their medical coverage. I think I need to start staying in bed.